Hold my beer

I hit one out of five on the first one, not good!

And the second one had me in stitches. Ye-e-e-s-s-s, I did have to pass it on. <hangs head> :laugh:
garsh, i did better with the cat bowling than i did w/ the rocket launcher, so much for the bigger hammer concept. :toung:
Im afraid to click the link.

Is this something I shouldnt do at work??

ahh, worst that could happen is the IT guys get to play it, while you get stiffed with the nag screen...
"your ip address and user login has been noted for the records, all sites are monitored for inappropriate activity"
You know I gotta... I gotta.... I gotta....

Oh, hell---- No I don't.

Hey = check out this daffodil....


(yes I do. )
Really Jim...:rolleyes:

The entire sequence was then meticulously edited to make it look like a single take

You really think I or anybody else didn't know it was a fake?...Man..you need to do something about that compulsion of yours:suspicious:.