The TNX/MACD sure makes a case for moving to the F Fund while waiting confirmation there is more downside. PROBLEM - AMBAC. Thoughts?
Hi Tomncath,
First, welcome and please recognize, that I consider myself new at all this still. I've been learning now for ~6 mo., and as a result, I'm still first to admit that I'm not comfortable advising others - I just present facts as I see them. That said, as Show-me pointed out, 350z is IMO also, the best souce for info in Bonds, TNX, F-Fund and such info.
Personnally, though I am thinking of placing majority in the F-Fund for Monday - but I will be checking -hoping to hear from 350z on this -if it's still wise at this time -given his opinion that if bail-outs of Bond Insurers occur, this would be bad for the F.
Otherwise, I'm sticking with my plan (
& TSP Board's BS limits), which is, I plan to also start dollar-cost-averaging some
small amounts into stocks (emphasis on "
small amounts"), very soon it seems, perhaps even as soon as Monday.
To your other question, re: AMBAC (expect your question relates also to MBIA, etc). Its anybody's guess right now. Again best source, IMO is 350z, he showed us this issue first, and continues vigilence & advice in his posts. Basically, he's said any bail-out will also be bad for stocks as well (will involve major writedowns). You also heard Chairman Ben himself, saying that: "many Banks will likely fail/go under" - and personally, I think you gotta take his words as likely
an understatement of the facts!
IMO, patience will win in the end. Stay frosty, watchful and agile -in the current market, oppportunities, or big losses, can come quick (as this current market can "turn on a dime").
Other factors can also quickly change the market picture, such as: if the PPT actually gets in gear, plus other unforseen factors, or the like of major institutional moves. Currently its like the wild, wild, west -only this time, its financial.
To quote 350z "at least the issues are contained - to the earth!"