Guess Who This Is...

This may be a tough one for "most" of the really young (what ever generation that is.......I've lost track :blink:)........ but he was in reruns for a long a$$ time, so you still might get it. NO CHEATING :rant:
I have a third pic, but I'll start with these two...... Good Luck ! ! ! !

fooDat1.jpg . fooDat2.jpg


2011 picture, He passed away at 80, end of last yr. had only one hit solo album but played with so many including George Harrison and Ringo during their solo careers and then famous film soundtracks.
Is that your guess from Epic's post, Gary Wright?

I'm thinking it is someone from an old sitcom, who may have been the Most popular character. Or not. :)
Is that your guess from Epic's post, Gary Wright?

I'm thinking it is someone from an old sitcom, who may have been the Most popular character. Or not. :)

I don't think that's an answer to my post, but just someone else to try and guess. Is it Gary Wright??? I have no clue.
I saw what you did there too..... Yes it was an old sitcom, but definitely not from America's Most Wanted ............
I don't know how many people actually look at this thread way down here in the basement. Just us cellar dweller's I guess. A very exclusive group of psycho crazy people. My kinda crowd........:nuts:

So....YES, my post has not been answered yet (scroll down), so feel free to take a stab at it........
I know this isn't the answer, but the side shot almost looks Art Carney

Yeah he does, but your right........that is not him. From the look on his face in those 2 shots, it looks like he's had Happier Days in the past. Such a scowl, or maybe he's just grumpy.... So unlike him.
Here's that third pic that I have. A selfie of himself out taking a walk one day......... He's not so angry looking in this one. :laugh:
That's all I got. It's up to you guys now....... good luck.



Yeah he does, but your right........that is not him. From the look on his face in those 2 shots, it looks like he's had Happier Days in the past. Such a scowl, or maybe he's just grumpy.... So unlike him.
Here's that third pic that I have. A selfie of himself out taking a walk one day......... He's not so angry looking in this one. :laugh:
That's all I got. It's up to you guys now....... good luck.

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Ralph Malph real name Don Most
You are BOTH CORRECT....... (Sit on it Potsie) :nana::lmao::arms:
Well Done ! ! ! ! ! I kinda thought the 3rd pic would make it too easy, so I waited with that one. I did leave a couple good clues though.... :laugh:
Don (Donny) Most / Ralph Malph from Happy Days

RM1.jpg . RM2.jpg

Any Wrestling Fans out there????? I gotta tell ya Brutha......if you are, this should be EZ-PZ. :laugh:

zDat1.PNG . zDat2.PNG

don't know and which is more fake NFL games or Pro Wrestling.
Life itself is rigged and fake. Just wish I could figure out how to get on the "winning" side, but they don't want me. Story of my life........
I'm sorry, but that answer is incorrect. Please try again......
:laugh: She was the Original Diva.
