Guess Who This Is...

Wow! I must give credit where it's due. Ravensfan gave me the answer that he was on Chips and I added the "not Esrada" since neither of us could remember his name! Lol... yes...poor Larry Wilcox. He was cute too!
Kinda different. Not really a celeb, musician, or anything like that, but loved beyond belief and devastatingly missed.
The girl on the luggage on the first pic. (there's a clue there too. shhhhhh

zDat1.jpg . zDat2.PNG . zDat3.jpg

zDat5.PNG . zDat6.jpg
Not an actor or politician. But became an American hero because of his out of this world achievements. (I think that might have given it away).

famous movie quote "There can be only one!" film become a cult favorite, but first he was a Greystoke.

Okay, so I dug around a bit (cheating), and it seems to lead to The Highlander, which I know absolutely nothing about. Never seen it or heard of it, so according to the below screen shot, I'll say Christopher Lambert, because I know your pic isn't Sean Connery.

So here's one since we're in the whole Sci-Fi category...........
WHO is this?????????? lol



Christopher Lambert, is correct. soundtrack includes several songs by Queen, such as "A Kind of Magic" and "Princes of the Universe" (the latter also being used for the Highlander television series title sequence). Queen's 1986 album A Kind of Magic features several songs from the film (although sometimes in different arrangements): "Princes of the Universe", "Gimme the Prize (Kurgan's Theme)" (the album version includes snippets of dialogue from the film), "One Year of Love", "Don't Lose Your Head", "Who Wants to Live Forever", and "A Kind of Magic". The album and single edits of "A Kind of Magic" feature a different mix from the one in the film; a 2011 re-release of the album includes the long-unreleased Highlander version of the song. The album does not include Queen's recording of "Theme from New York, New York", which features briefly in Highlander. "Hammer to Fall", a Queen song heard playing from a car radio in one scene, was from an earlier album, The Works.
I'll just bump this up one so it doesn't get overlooked in the shuffle. This is going to be vague if you weren't a geek for the show (like me), or that maybe it wasn't in your area at all. Hard to say with the different cable channels and what they carried in different areas. She was definitely a bad ass and a stand out character.
WHO is she ? ? ? ? ?



I'm going dang that face is familiar. But I remembered her as being a bit older. The Tardis lit the light bulb.

Professor River Song aka Melody Pond. She was one of three Dr. Who companions I really liked.
I'm going dang that face is familiar. But I remembered her as being a bit older. The Tardis lit the light bulb.

Professor River Song aka Melody Pond. She was one of three Dr. Who companions I really liked.

Great Job Nasa, That is CORRECT. :headbang::fing02::arms:
Her real name is Alex Kingston, and the pic I posted was from a very early show she was in called Grange Hill Appreciation Society. But YES, it's River Song from Dr. Who.
My understanding (since it's not in my area anymore) is that the show went "Woke" and it quickly lost the fan base shortly there after, but I'm glad to have watched it while David Tenant and Matt Smith played the roles of the Doctor. River Song was with both of them, along with the guy who followed Matt Smith. Enjoy the flashback vid and pics ! ! ! ! She was awesome in that role!!!
:love: :lmao:


alex2.jpg . alex5.jpg

alex3.jpg . alex1.PNG


I don't know if these have been done before, but since the market is tanking at the moment................:sick:
