Guess Who This Is...

Sorry...... I got caught up in the moment. :lmao::lmao: (it's such a good album though.....:nuts: ​)

Ahhhh.... screw it...... Steve Perry......Final answer. :banana:

your Journey for the correct answer has ended.

He just turned 75. born January 22, 1949.
​That's Goldie . . .

We may have done this one before. He's on the obscure side but if you know him, you'll know him. :D


Actor, comedian, and more.
Good guess, but no. It's a toughie. He's currently 48 years old.

When I say you'll know him, that is after it is revealed. He's changed quite a bit since this picture. :)

Okay, it just hit me (but it still could be wrong).
Funny, quick witted, very smart, always has his facts strait, and takes command of any situation no matter what it is. He digs for truth on any topic.
From 10 years ago.
Watch how Mika Brzezinski (short white hair host) gets so intimidated and flustered just by his presence (towards the end), that she blushes, literally moves her chair away, and can't complete a thought or sentence. LOL
That's the power he has over people.......

. RB.jpg
Send me a PM of who it is and I'll see if I can get it done for you... I'm out of idea's at the moment.