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imported post
Today I'm 50% G, 40% C, 5% S, and 5% I.
(I was 77% C, 11.5% S, 11.5% I since end of June and actually made this switch 9/20, but for purposes of tracking and not Monday Quarterbacking I'll track my gains/loss from today forward. I wish I'd gone 100% G like so many others but I wasn't totally confident. I guess more time will help my comfort level. So far I've done well with just a peaks and valleys long term type approach. It hasn't worked well in this choppy market and I'm moving toward being more aggressive.)
Today I'm 50% G, 40% C, 5% S, and 5% I.
(I was 77% C, 11.5% S, 11.5% I since end of June and actually made this switch 9/20, but for purposes of tracking and not Monday Quarterbacking I'll track my gains/loss from today forward. I wish I'd gone 100% G like so many others but I wasn't totally confident. I guess more time will help my comfort level. So far I've done well with just a peaks and valleys long term type approach. It hasn't worked well in this choppy market and I'm moving toward being more aggressive.)