From the this time it is different department

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Ok... Fully awake now. Just got finished putting the baby back to sleep (1:30am -3:45 am). Market was up but now going down again. Inverted curve seems to be half a bell curve. If there is a pull back then that is what we will have. Now, if the market continue to go up then we will not havean inverted curve but rather a graph thatresembles a slopey mountain like whati saw in Hawaii. If the market continues to go sideway, then we will have a perverted curve since itwill be teasing us for days to come. Now as for me, I like a curve that resembles a coca cola bottle curve. Nothing too big but just right. Everythingseems to be in place and easy to handle. Busting curves especially if worn with those tight clothing might not be conducive for all occasions.This isone of the reasons why they came up with agym/health spacalled CURVES. I heard they are doing well.:P

I really need to get a life...:D

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mlk_man wrote:
Oh by the way, I haven't gotten least on this thread.......:^

Did I call the man a "liar" or a "negative member of the board"?

The only personal thing I have said is that DMA is MT. I'm not the only one that knows that either.

Good luck,

mlk_man wrote:

so your comments are not justified. Just like you.


That is a personal attack and you should be banned for personal attacks, for lieing and lieing again when you are corrected for lieing.

You were banned before for personnel attacks.

I try to be civil in my tone. You make it extremely difficult.

You kill threads and you hurt a lot of people with your advice.

Going to catch the S fund rally bounce today?


Great move.:shock::shock:
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The Technician wrote:
Hey DMA, MM ain't worth it, he never is promoting an thing to do is to ignore him.........;)

I agree about the yield curve trend....its changing directions like the that is true as it can be!!!:U


I agree.

End of the day my total return with triple his.

:D I will go the PM route now.

Have a great day Tech.

We got our .01 :^
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The Technician wrote:
Love that GM news.....oh lovely.........maybe our economy is going gangbusters and I don't know it!!! 25,000 auto workers out of a job......maybe they make too much and pricedthemselves out of a job......just remember same thing can happen on the corporate level .....make too much profit....out of a job just depends on if you have competition or not....:x
Yep last job report was (132K) after the birth/death rate magic.

Guess what? All that M&A activity over Nov-Feb (a record) just like Nov 1999-Feb 2000 (old record) starts on the next job report. Redunance workers.

Next four or five job reports will be real recessionary duds.

:shock::shock::shock: Ohh but there is no recession. What market are you looking at????

Swedens???? This board amazes me. Bright people - do not want to read the real market tea leaves.

What do you hear? All is well, she is going to rock, go 100% into stocks, fed is done, you are a fool for being bearish.

:D The fool is you do not intrepret the data and repeat the some old mistakes over and over and over again.

Like touching a electric fence to see if the current is still on.

ZAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP there goes the networth.:shock:
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Was directed to change my avator from this


to something else.

I will go the pm route. General board, not fun. :P
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I changed my avator it is not picking up yet.

For those I offended I do not see it but I apolgize.
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I just woke up! I work nightsand I thought I took some profits today....

What happened at the the close?Is this the start of a pullback? What say you.. ?

Spaf, Is it time to test your trailing stop at 1180?

Very interesting comments on the yield curve. I haven't been paying much attention to it.. I think I'll read up on it.. I never paid much attention to it for any of my investment decisions before, but I will now.

Thank youto themembers that feel it's important enough to havethesedebates. For those of us still learninglike myself, I will now start monitoring the yield curve. That's why I joined this board to get insightfrom other investors.I do enjoy the debates, both sides. They aresometimes verycolorful, butalways informative.
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DMA wrote:
To bad the deadline is noon. After lunch should be very interesting ahead of the trade balance report.:D

Greenie must be scratching his head. Last thing he wanted was for the 10 year yield to dive again.

What a corner he is painted into? Now saying inverted yield curve is not bad for the economy. Wow!!! He needs a econ 101 refresher.

Oh yeah, the yield curve is inverting. :)
Find the people that know what they are talking about and follow them.

That is the only advice I can give you on this board.

Track them, monitor them and at the end of the day who puts more coins in your pocket or who saves you coins is the bottom line.

Glad Pyriel saw the light and listened to Tech and myself.

Today he gets a penny and he has more capital to purchase the same thing cheaper later.

Capital preservation at this point of the economic cycle is paramount.

Good luck. I will not be posting on the general board much.

So PM me if you want to chat. :^
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robo wrote:
What happened at the the close?Is this the start of a pullback? What say you.. ?

Spaf, Is it time to test your trailing stop at 1180?
No! The trailing stop is an emergency chute! Check your fundamentals first. See what GM just did! And, the airlines! Wow!

Today was just like being shot down by a missile!

The fundamentals are going both ways. The big bank is confused and so is the market! Have gone 60/40, and depending on tomorrow, might stay light or go secure. Now is not my time to get aggressive.

Rgds, and be careful! :? Spaf
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robo wrote:
What happened at the the close?Is this the start of a pullback? What say you.. ?

Spaf, Is it time to test your trailing stop at 1180?
Assuming we get one, I like 1175 to 1180 as a possible pullback target based on the chart. Hopefully the indicators will be oversold by then.
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Tom and Spaf,

Thank you for your comments... Ihave lots of cash. I have been very defensive and cautious since the S&P hit 1200, and taking money out on the rallies.Thats what I thought I did today. Now when to start buying again? I will be watching your moves and reading your comments. If it goes to 1180 it should happen by next week, and then again it could go the other way before it goes back down.......HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Staying cautious the rest of June and July!!!!!!!!
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Some Fed guy from Atlanta apparently made some comments and we had program profit taking. The advance/decline line was stll positive - nothing to worry about from my humble perspective. Everyone else seems worried sh..less over nothing. I guess that is what makes a market. I'm staying 100 C and liking my position. I've been a lonely bull on many occasion and actually feel comfortable in this posture. The Yogi and Chicken Little types won't offer to pay my capital gains taxes at the end of the year now will they. I think today I saw herd instinct or lemmings running for the G fund and that's fine. A penny still has value.

According to Thompson Financial, the amount of cash and cash-like securities held by companies in the sp500 index jumped 10.4% in the first quarter to a record $766 billion. In a breahdown of the various uses of that hoard, stock buybacks by far showed the biggest rise as a share of total cash, rising to 8% in the first quarter, compared with 3.1% a year ago. On the bright side, it might be a good thing that executives, who often complain that their companies' shares are undervalued, are putting their money where their collective mouth is. They are thinking about earnings comparisons and dividends in the future. Seriously, all this negative talk just makes me more bullish -the lights don't scare me. And niether do DMA or Techy.
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Birchtree wrote:

Some Fed guy from Atlanta apparently made some comments and we had program profit taking.
I agree with your reasoning! The General Missile Company took us down with a unexpected direct hit. The Fed guy from Atlanta, we could have weathered him! They are laying off 25K workers. They should be laying off their 25K VPs!

Really, I'm not in a time frame for both risky and aggressive, otherwise I'd stay so long as we were in the channel trend. Gotta side step this one. Maybe, see what tomorow has on docket!

Rgds, and take care! :cool: Spaf
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The 25k worker layoffs are over a 3 year period. Right now we are in a bad news is actually good news as far as the Fed is concerned. We want them to pause on the rate hikes - I think they already have. If that is the case the bigger risk is being out of the market - not in. We all blaze our own trails - make our own decisions. But from a contrarian standpoint look where everyone is sitting - just a small micro sample of perhaps a larger picture. There are trillions in money markets - and it will eventually move - causing one BIG wave. Any way see you at a higher levels.

Dennis - out of control permabull # 2 contrarian. Ain't life great.
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"Next four or five job reports will be real recessionary duds." - DMA

What difference does this make when one doesn't consider the data the government is reporting out each month to be valid anyway?
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Because sooner or later reality will catch up.

:(Crazy accounting all ways does.
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Hey, you back for more glory? Good - take all you want. Wouldn't it be a nice surprise if the trade balance shows improvement over last month. Didn't we have a good drop last month - a result of the weakened dollar and trade competitiveness. Right now we need all the bad news we can find ao AG will pause on rates. I think it is already a done deal. My concern is the possibility in the future we start on the disinflation trail again - we are heading for a yield shortage - and stocks will provide increasing dividends to help provide a yield at ever higher prices. I just gotta be bullish - skip the noise - I look around and I see'em running to the G fund. Makes me think of that Roy Orbison song "Running Scared" . See ya

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Gee, here I thought you were speaking for the majority- that's why I ignore your warnings at my own peril. Let me drown in the well of demise by myself. You can't possibly help me - I'm basically incorrigible. You really don't want to run up against the renegade contrarian - actually I've been waiting. But first let me borrow that bazooka and if that doesn't work I'll get a fire extinguisher. I need sleep - but Yogi I'll be back tomorrow. We can certainly discuss definitions and anything else you would like. My specialty is Al Gore and anything he represents. See ya

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DMA you got it...

"Yep last job report was (132K) after the birth/death rate magic.

Guess what? All that M&A activity over Nov-Feb (a record) just like Nov 1999-Feb 2000 (old record) starts on the next job report. Redunance workers.

Next four or five job reports will be real recessionary duds.

:shock::shock::shock: Ohh but there is no recession. What market are you looking at????

Swedens???? This board amazes me. Bright people - do not want to read the real market tea leaves.

What do you hear? All is well, she is going to rock, go 100% into stocks, fed is done, you are a fool for being bearish.

:D The fool is you do not intrepret the data and repeat the some old mistakes over and over and over again.

Like touching a electric fence to see if the current is still on.

ZAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP there goes the networth.:shock:""

My question is...

Every see anybody that was smart stay in the market at a long term high????:shock::^

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The Technician,

Good fellow - we are a long, long, long, way from a market high. Think in terms of Dow 13,000 and sp500 of 1700. Come get some.

permabull #2