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Ok... Fully awake now. Just got finished putting the baby back to sleep (1:30am -3:45 am). Market was up but now going down again. Inverted curve seems to be half a bell curve. If there is a pull back then that is what we will have. Now, if the market continue to go up then we will not havean inverted curve but rather a graph thatresembles a slopey mountain like whati saw in Hawaii. If the market continues to go sideway, then we will have a perverted curve since itwill be teasing us for days to come. Now as for me, I like a curve that resembles a coca cola bottle curve. Nothing too big but just right. Everythingseems to be in place and easy to handle. Busting curves especially if worn with those tight clothing might not be conducive for all occasions.This isone of the reasons why they came up with agym/health spacalled CURVES. I heard they are doing well.
I really need to get a life...
Ok... Fully awake now. Just got finished putting the baby back to sleep (1:30am -3:45 am). Market was up but now going down again. Inverted curve seems to be half a bell curve. If there is a pull back then that is what we will have. Now, if the market continue to go up then we will not havean inverted curve but rather a graph thatresembles a slopey mountain like whati saw in Hawaii. If the market continues to go sideway, then we will have a perverted curve since itwill be teasing us for days to come. Now as for me, I like a curve that resembles a coca cola bottle curve. Nothing too big but just right. Everythingseems to be in place and easy to handle. Busting curves especially if worn with those tight clothing might not be conducive for all occasions.This isone of the reasons why they came up with agym/health spacalled CURVES. I heard they are doing well.

I really need to get a life...