In February, splitting my allocation between the C and I funds worked out Okay - just Okay not really as well as I hoped. However, the tactic kept my account from absorbing the full dips but the climb back up was slower than being in just one fund. So, it had some ups and some downs - pun intended 
March on the other hand was a better month being just in S Fund.
I'm looking at possibly splitting the allocations between the S and I again for a few days depending on how the charts look.
The S fund is near the top Bollinger band but the I fund is just above the 45 day moving average and has some room before reaching the top Bollinger band.
I'll let the charts tell me what to do next.

March on the other hand was a better month being just in S Fund.

I'm looking at possibly splitting the allocations between the S and I again for a few days depending on how the charts look.
The S fund is near the top Bollinger band but the I fund is just above the 45 day moving average and has some room before reaching the top Bollinger band.
I'll let the charts tell me what to do next.
