federal unions

are you a member of a union?

  • dues paying union member

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • collective bargaining position but elect not to join union

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • federal worker in a series not covered by a union

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • federal manager not allowed to join a union

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • retired/no longer employed by federal government

    Votes: 10 28.6%

  • Total voters
Unions cannot legally donate union dues to candidates/politicians. They have a separate fund for that whereby members must voluntarily donate to. Mis-information and crack kills.:smile:

All democracies are based on the proposition that power is very dangerous and that it is extremely important not to let any one person or small group have too much power for too long a time. I think that is true for Unions and Governments as well. Our Politicians are a small group (we could argue that :laugh:), have we given them to MUCH power for to long. There was a time when Unions had a lot of power, and to a smaller degree still do, but squandered that power when greed and corruption of a few gave them a bad rap. I do not dislike Unions. Peoples ideologies are not all the same. How do I justify paying dues to an organization who in turn will donate money to a candidate that I do not identify with. Or do I just trust that they have my best interest at heart, highly doubtful. Obviously this is why there is a big push on one side to unionize everything (more campaign $) and more push against it on the other side (less campaign $). Some will argue that it gives you a voice, I will argue it gives someone a bunch of numbers behind one voice and I have no say in who they are aligning themselves with.
I have no doubt my TSPTALK Brothers and Sisters on the Left and Right are very adamant about there views and beliefs. This is an interesting topic.
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Mis-information and crack kills.:smile:

I don't write the stuff. This seems to be a good source of info used in these forums regularly.
Union dues - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Union dues may be used to support a wide variety of programs or activities, including: Paying the salaries and/or benefits of full-time or part-time union leaders and/or staff; union governance; legal representation; legislative lobbying; political campaigns; pension, health, welfare, and safety funds; and/or the union strike fund.
I hear ya. It can get confusing.

The Use of Labor Union Dues for Political Purposes: A Legal Analysis

EDIT: It should be noted that I am/was referring to FEDERAL employee unions with regard to political donations.

I don't write the stuff. This seems to be a good source of info used in these forums regularly.
Union dues - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Union dues may be used to support a wide variety of programs or activities, including: Paying the salaries and/or benefits of full-time or part-time union leaders and/or staff; union governance; legal representation; legislative lobbying; political campaigns; pension, health, welfare, and safety funds; and/or the union strike fund.
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I was speaking of Unions in general.
BTW, I am also opposed to Big Corp political spending as well.
Supply and Demand controls the workforce as well as prices. When qualified employees are low they are payed more to attract them to the companies that are offering jobs. The employers are willing to negotiate with unions because they can get the employees to provide the products at higher prices to assure profit. When the prices drop due to global competition it is impossible to pay more and offer more benefits and make a profit so wages and benefits flounder. The unions have been failing due to global competition having a lower cost of business. So now the workers are being replaced by machines that only cost the businesses routine maintenance. I'm sure you can figure out what needs to be done.
Taxpayers foot bill for union work, lawmakers seek changes | Fox News

i'm curious, how many here are dues paying union members? covered by a collective bargaining unit but don't pay dues? in a series not represented by a union?
I had to go back to the first post to see what this was supposed to be about.
Lots of interesting replies including one that said the poster thought Feds could not belong to a union. No time to search back for that but someone should look in to it.
I deal with two unions primarily. There are others covering contractors but that is nothing pertinent to this thread.
One union deals with general schedule employees and seems to be mostly concerned with square footage of work spaces.
The union I am covered by with a collective bargaining agreement which is discussed every year came to be “my” union due to some ancient thing about equivalency pay for craft trades.
The deal is that the union appointed by some federal law finds out how much equivalent trades in for profit industry are being paid as well as what benefits they are getting and tracks pay increases they get.
The history as I understand it is that the feds couldn’t hire or keep trades people at the old WG-05 rates and employees were leaving to get better jobs and no one was applying for the jobs advertised. Some GS-99 figured out that the reason was because they were paying nothing for these technical jobs.
When I accepted the job I automatically became a union member and was not required to pay dues. I chose to pay the dues.
Currently, in my agency, union reps are allowed to discuss union business while in pay status but do not get travel pay or per-diem if attending union functions off job site. They may actually be entitled to them but choose not to due to ongoing conflicts and BS. My rep used annual leave to attend the last out of town union meeting.
It may not be the same where you are but here pay and benefits for my series depend on negotiations of the bargaining agreement contract each year. The article lead me to believe it applies to employees who are GS or SES. I looked around and couldn’t find any person using 100% of their time for union business.
It appears once again that waste has been identified and all are being painted with the broad brush.