[Re: getting out of the union because they didn't yada yada yada...] In the same sense that no one candidate for any political office will agree 100% with our personal beliefs--yet we vote; so too is it with a union. A union is not a separate entity. Workers are the union, and the will of the workers, not a minority report, ought to prevail.
Even so, the minority still benefits from the union: wages, job security, working conditions, etc. I suspect it is only when we all are working at walmart that this will be obvious to the masses. To not realize this and not paying for YOUR union is akin to cutting off the
next generation of workers noses' to spite
your face. For most will have retired by the time the effects of receiving union benefits for free will result in fewer/weakened benefits. The next generation can then thank them for that. Btw,
those workers received benefits/wages/working-conditions on the backs of the previous generations.
Even intelligent managers realize the benefits the unions--the organized workers bring: for higher paid workers directly results in higher paid managers. I've found that anti-union/worker managers tend to be narcissistic in thinking that they are God's gift to the workforce and have, in no way, benefited from the blood, sweat, and tears of those who've fought for the rights of the basic worker throughout history.
Smart managers also realize that there are bad apples amongst their ranks and like any police force, military, government; there
needs to be rules/regulations/laws in place to protect the rank and file from potential abuse--as evidenced by history. Btw, managers have rules in place to protect
them from
"upper management."
The National Labor Relations Board and associated laws were created not by democrats or republicans, but by both because of the atrocities of management during the time when management could legally do whatever they wanted--pretty much. To now erase those rights shows a lack of understanding of human nature with respect to "power" over other individuals; of history with respect to labor struggles; and of what will
inevitably follow.
History is forgotten/never-learned. History repeats.
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.