FAB1 Account Talk

Here here, those non-post whoring folks do nothing for me. Information of all sorts can be made to be valuable, when it's used properly. Moods, personalities, news, links, amoeba, Birchtree, they all serve a greater purpose for all to utilize. :)

Don't forget James48843 and nnuut as they are both good for a lively discussion !!
POST WHORING??????? What a concept, then I must be the Biggest Whore in town? Not bad for an old fart, thanks.:laugh:
postwhore1.gif postwhore.gif
Boy, I just dont get no respect.

At JTHs thread people wipe their feet at the door and are careful not to offend with frivolous, inane posts and they leave with a grateful tip of the hat.

Here at FAB's place (barn) you guys tromp in with muddy feet, hoop it up throw trash on the floor and leave without so much as a "have a nice day" and those jalopys you call automobiles leave puddles of engine oil all over my drive.

I think Im going to call the Thread Police. :D
Dang, and I've been trying to be more sensitive about people's feelers lately too. Back to the drawing board I guess.

And have a nice day FAB1.
Dang, and I've been trying to be more sensitive about people's feelers lately too. Back to the drawing board I guess.

And have a nice day FAB1.

LOL. Aww you know me, I aint happy unless Im ribbing you guys.
I dont own the place anyway, Tom does.

Oh you guys, so funny, but this is a family site and 'post whore' has such a negative connotation.

Now I'm not suggesting you stop what you're doing, but could you please say 'post escort' or maybe 'professional text worker' instead?
