FAB1 Account Talk

Thank you Tsunami! :D

As for how the $ affects the market? Not always, of course but generally stocks and market will run opposite directions and a rising $ will hold stocks back. AS for the I fund a strong dollar/ weak Euro cuts into the profits although the I fund is based on other currencies as well.

Then on occasion things will happen that baffle the mind! Thats what makes this SO FUN dontcha know.

thanks for the info!
another question..
for the charts.. what does the y axis value represent?
Looks like friday was "payback" day for the I fund... -0.20 while the other funds were positive. Glad I got out when I did!:D
FAB1, you can do a <1% move today it would take affect tomorrow at the end of the day.

Yeah I made a move but it was a -1>% ;)

Interesting see-saw action today. Sideways movment is better than down, right? Im quite content to sit here and watch!
Im mixed up (not unusual)

the trackers latest figures are from Friday? Thats what Toms commentary says and they match.

What Happened to Tuesday's returns are we two days behind or what :confused:
And now since no one here can guess, or maybe doesnt care...

My Avatar is:

From the Super Six cartoon - "The Brothers Matzoriley"

Their names (Weft, Wight and Wong) were a play on "left", "right" and "wrong". Although occupying one body, each head had its own distinct personality. Weft, a tough guy, Wight a wimpy coward, and Wong (the middle head) was Chinese, who dispensed absurd parodies of Confucius proverbs beginning with "Confusion say..."

:D - confusion say, you guys should watch more cartoons.
dang, i was gonna guess larry, and his brother darrel, and his other brother darrel.

And now since no one here can guess, or maybe doesnt care...

My Avatar is:

From the Super Six cartoon - "The Brothers Matzoriley"

Their names (Weft, Wight and Wong) were a play on "left", "right" and "wrong". Although occupying one body, each head had its own distinct personality. Weft, a tough guy, Wight a wimpy coward, and Wong (the middle head) was Chinese, who dispensed absurd parodies of Confucius proverbs beginning with "Confusion say..."

:D - confusion say, you guys should watch more cartoons.
