Exnavyew's Account Talk

Agreed. I never have followed international bond markets during the trading day. Interesting...but I can’t say as I made sense of the moves this morning while the European markets were open. Because I don’t have any historical context I don’t know if it was normal or not but there did not seem to be any sync between bonds and their respective equity markets. Maybe it all goes out the realm of rationality when negative rates take place.
I've been following this company for a year or longer and have a little of their stock, but not making any money due to bad moves. But, I'm holding on to my minimal shares just in case. One good thing I like about them is that they have a good mix of company insiders that own stock in the company and they operate nearly debt-free. They have other promising technology that deals with mosquito-born illnesses and we all know mosquito's are pretty much here to stay!

"Co-Diagnostics, Inc. (Nasdaq: CODX), a molecular diagnostics company with a unique, patented platform for the development of diagnostic tests, announced today sales of its screening test designed to identify the presence of the novel coronavirus that originated in China before spreading across the world over the past month. The order calls for delivery of tests to be distributed to various international markets and included payment for the initial shipment of assays."