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I just read to learn an taking ideas from all of you.
Rightnow I-fund 100% .looking forward for a transfer
may be Monday or wendnesday.I dont now if I'm doing
bad but there something in thursdays market that I
do not like. Most of the time when is pay-week. i CAN see...
When wednesday, pay week, my money is deposit in tsp.
nex day the market take part of that money that has been
deposit on wednesday.So,most of the time when thursdays
coming, after that deposit ,take some $$$$$$$$$$$$$:?.
that happen to me in a row but that make me miss a big rally too.
THATwhy I miss the big rally ,2 WEEK ago in that holiday
on thursday and friday.
So that idea of thursdays' bad day most of the time of pay-week.
I cant no take out of my mind...:?Let's see thisthursday.
may I has to start a new and forget
About I-FUND
I like it becouse dollarhas noany idea to go up ,just down.
I think we most take advance of that dollar down trend putting
something in I fund.Even in a verry bad day,I-FUND not
look that bad and u finish wich some gain insted of loss.:^
A little fear becouse i-fund almos hittin 15.00 but the season and
the trend is positive.
not body take my tips, I'm just a bigginer ok.good luck everybody...