ebbnflow's Account Talk

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One more question -- Does the Ebbtracker, in principle, differentiate between the three funds. For example if you have two GOs and one Stop, is there stronger negatives for the one Stop.

What if the one Stop is in "I"? Do you invest in "I" regardless.

BigGuy, all of the ebbtracker's funds being tracked have equal billing. I invest in the I-fund even if it has a stop sign only if both the C and S-fund shows green. You will find that day marked x-check. Read more about it on the ebbchart page. :)
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It looks like the buy signal I got from the F-fund last Friday might turn out to good move after all. The F-fund is up more than a couple of cents for now. Moving to the I-fund for tomorrow. Good luck everyone! :)
Ebb, is May on the Ebb Chart? I don't see it, but that doesn't mean its not there (LOL).

GeorgiaGal, I see that fabijo has uploaded the May ebbchart to his server, so I'd be making a new thread right now. :)
Moving to the F-fund for Wednesday. Barring any market crash this afternoon the I-hoppers from yesterday should be seeing some gain today. Good luck to all. :)
Ebb... Hope your right and the Frog pond is jumping tomorrow! GL to all!!! :cheesy:

Today and tomorrow were marked with an x-check on the ebbchart. That makes it high-percentage plays for both. So far, it's been right 9 out of 11 times and would make it 10 of 12 for today if all goes well (fingers crossed). :)
Today and tomorrow were marked with an x-check on the ebbchart. That makes it high-percentage plays for both. So far, it's been right 9 out of 11 times and would make it 10 of 12 for today if all goes well (fingers crossed). :)

Ebb... Let's hope by the market close tomorrow, it's 12 of 14 for the Ebbchart, although the I fund doesn't look very promising for today. Oh well, there's always tomorrow! Thanks again for all the work you do on the Ebbchart and for sharing it with us.... :toung: Good Luck to All TSP'ers!!!
USNAVYRETIRED, x-check is 10 of 12 today (12 of 14 can wait a little longer) with a gain of +.04 cents (+.167%). I just updated the spinchart for Thursday, Friday and next Monday. I was hoping to be in stocks, but it's not to be. I would be in no rush stepping in stocks with all these red signs. The ebbchart's batting average when a day is showing 2 or more stop signs is at 50%. And when you consider that some of these losses in a day can be so steep then -- good gracious, great balls of fire! :eek:
Hello, Christopher! I have discovered that the best way to play the full moon's effect (the ebbtracker's down cycle is in sync with it) was to reverse the output of the ebbtracker for the day and also the two days preceding it. The affected days were from April 30 thru May 02.

I played it reversed on April 30 (F-fund +.26%), May 01 (I-fund +.21%) and today's full moon of May 02 (F-fund +0%) for a total gain of +.47%. :)

If I hadn't reversed those three days, I would have been on April 30 (I-fund -.58%), May 01 (G-fund +0%) and May 02 (I-fund +.58%) for no gain. :(
DUDE, way to TWEAK the machine! You're an inspiration...thanks, and GBU! :)

Heads up...full moons comin' our way on June 1 & 30 2007! :blink:
Moving to the G-fund for Monday. Dang, the ebbtracker sure was early this week on the sell signals, but with all the feel good news surrounding the market, I'm still convinced that we're headed for some serious profit taking next week. Good luck all and have a great weekend! :)
Fabijo, I keep tabs on both the price and the index. I use the TSP price for the ebbtracker, but I also have a model that keeps tab of the indices. :)
Forgot about the new password required on the government site. When I used the thriftline, it says anything processed before 11 AM will be...I thought the cutoff was supposed to be 12 noon? :confused:
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