ebbnflow's Account Talk

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The Ebbchart is kicking butt. Hey Ebb, what did the ebbtracker earn last year? I might have to just start following your charts. Goodluck...:D
The Ebbchart is kicking butt. Hey Ebb, what did the ebbtracker earn last year? I might have to just start following your charts. Goodluck...:D

Last year I was only following the ebbtracker's I-fund with no C or S-fund used for cross-checking. I believe I had +17% (June thru December) on EWGuy's Weekly Tracker, but I already had +15% (January thru May) before I joined. Its a total of +32% for the ebbtracker. :)
Ebb... W O W!!! 48.5% Wouldn't that be great???!!!!! I just wish I had the "cahones" to go 100% in the S or I Funds instead of only going 20 or 30% and leaving the rest safely in G. But I'm planning to retire under FERS this year and don't want to risk too much at once.... Thanks for the Ebbchart and keep on rockin'!!!! :toung:

USNAVYRETIRED, you're welcome! I want to reach a million at the fastest time possible, that's why I'm taking more risks. Soon, maybe as early as next week I'll start trading outside my TSP account, also. :)
I'm a new guy but I've been reading for a few months.

I love your chart and have been following it. How is the chart created? You've been right so many times and I can't fathom how it looks out so far, so accurately. Also, when you say cross checking what is it checking against?


I missed that part of your question. Here's what the ebbtracker does: It gets a pattern from the preceding days and compares them with thousands of stored patterns tucked inside the ebbtracker's database. From the matching patterns I get trends. From these trends I get cycles, and these cycles tell me how long it will last (from one or more days). :)
Thanks Ebb,
The second part of the answer got it.
I also just started trading outside my TSP account this week. I had in the past but work got in the way. I had some limits orders hit today and we're off to the races. Booyah!



I've been looking at the ebbtracker for a few days now, and following you with my TSP account. All I can say is Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!! It's great of you to share this system/info with all of us.

May your TSP (and other investments) increase GREATLY this year.....and may those of us who choose to follow, continue to benefit from your generostiy and intelligence!!

Thanks Again!!

I appreciate this specific information because it helps to build confidence in your system. Is this partly the application of fractal theory? In a limited way, I understand fractal theory in what it pertains to trading stocks and indexes, as the theory that permits a computerized system to find thousands of corresponding charts that are similar to the current situation. That is, and this is only as an example, I think that most of us will agree that human nature has not changed substantially in 4,000 years. Assuming this premise, people will most likely behave in the same way when confronted with the same emotional stimuli, such as greed and fear. Thus, a high probability exists that people will trade the same way when certain conditions arise. If a computerized program can make sense of chart movements, there is a high likelyhood that one can have a high rate of predictability trading the markets. I hope this helps in understanding your system. I will appreciate to know if I am on the right track or not. Thank you:)

[q. uote=ebbnflow;85551]I missed that part of your question. Here's what the ebbtracker does: It gets a pattern from the preceding days and compares them with thousands of stored patterns tucked inside the ebbtracker's database. From the matching patterns I get trends. From these trends I get cycles, and these cycles tell me how long it will last (from one or more days). :)[/quote]
I appreciate this specific information because it helps to build confidence in your system. Is this partly the application of fractal theory? In a limited way, I understand fractal theory in what it pertains to trading stocks and indexes, as the theory that permits a computerized system to find thousands of corresponding charts that are similar to the current situation.

Sponsor, I thought about that also. Ebb pretty much cleared up what one could gather from reading through a bunch of previous posts. When I read a book on fractals as applied to stock trading, I immediately thought of ebbnflow because I knew his tracker was looking for similar patterns in the past and what followed from them.

If I understand correctly, ebb, your tracker looks for those patterns from the daily price change, right? If ebbtracker was going for true fractal application, it'd be looking at patterns from the weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, etc, since a major concept from fractal theory is that the small parts reflect the larger part so that if you were to zoom in on a chart, it would look similar to the bigger picture you just zoomed in from.

Congrats are definitely in order for ebb for tweaking the tracker so well! :) And many thanks are in order for you sharing so much with us.
Fabijo, Let's wait for Ebb to give an explanation, if he wants to do so. I do believe, as you do, that congratulations are more than deserved. It is imperative that Ebb clearly understands that his proprietary rights are, and will be respected at all times. That we appreciate his profitable input, as we can appreciate technician's and your own effort to test a tracker. It is incumbent upon Ebbnflow to confirm or deny his work, as it is also your right to keep the trading system close to your chest if you so desire. :)

Sponsor, I thought about that also. Ebb pretty much cleared up what one could gather from reading through a bunch of previous posts. When I read a book on fractals as applied to stock trading, I immediately thought of ebbnflow because I knew his tracker was looking for similar patterns in the past and if he wants towhat followed from them.

If I understand correctly, ebb, your tracker looks for those patterns from the daily price change, right? If ebbtracker was going for true fractal application, it'd be looking at patterns from the weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, etc, since a major concept from fractal theory is that the small parts reflect the larger part so that if you were to zoom in on a chart, it would look similar to the bigger picture you just zoomed in from.

Congrats are definitely in order for ebb for tweaking the tracker so well! :) And many thanks are in order for you sharing so much with us.
Fabijo, Let's wait for Ebb to give an explanation, if he wants to do so. I do believe, as you do, that congratulations are more than deserved. It is imperative that Ebb clearly understands that his proprietary rights are, and will be respected at all times. That we appreciate his profitable input, as we can appreciate technician's and your own effort to test a tracker. It is incumbent upon Ebbnflow to confirm or deny his work, as it is also your right to keep the trading system close to your chest if you so desire. :)

So very true, sponsor. Sometimes I just get so excited at all these different trackers I can't keep my mouth shut! :D I really want all of us to make a killing in our accounts.
Yep, I think I sidestepped four huge losses (-.74, -.28, -.41, -.40). :blink:

Thought those were percents at first, and I'm not even drinkin', yet! :D

Anywho, ebb helped me miss some of those downdrafts too. Made some serious coin this past Wednesday too. :)
Well this was posted last weekend by me to Ebb- and the market took-off like a bottlerocket.
I just made the mistake of exiting to "G" for Wednesday because... I had February 27 flashbacks and didn't heed Ebb's call for "S". Anyway Ebb here is some repeat inspiration for next week. Make it happen again. I will keep the faith. Promise


CORRECTION?!!! We don't need no stink'n Correction......
Re: Gratitude


I've been looking at the ebbtracker for a few days now, and following you with my TSP account. All I can say is Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!! It's great of you to share this system/info with all of us.

May your TSP (and other investments) increase GREATLY this year.....and may those of us who choose to follow, continue to benefit from your generostiy and intelligence!!

Thanks Again!!


Nice to hear from you, Lobo! You're very welcome, and thanks for the blessing. :)
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