E-cigarettes/Vapor devices

and in a couple weeks i should have enough spare scratch to order my vaping station from kave for my birthday.

yep, definately movin' on up.

also, i learned this weekend that atomizers only cost $1.50. so why was i spending $3 worth of time and $6 worth of good vodka to clean them? some smart alek on here will probably post a chart showing the cost-benefit analysis in full detail with colored lines, but i already know the answer: just screw in a new atomizer and drink the vodka fool!

easy peasy, make it so, and all that other cheesy crap from 1970's tv shows. now get me some more sahara and absolut!

Cellular phones, two-way radios and many hobby-related items have caused injuries, started fires and even explosions due to the incorrect charging of the batteries involved with these products.

there you have it kids, hobbies and hobby related items are bad, especially if you live on base. and whaterever you do, don't ever put anything with a battery (like a phone) in anything made of flamable material (like your pocket). thanks for doing your part to keep our soft fluffy marshmellow community safe.

there you have it kids, hobbies and hobby related items are bad, especially if you live on base. and whaterever you do, don't ever put anything with a battery (like a phone) in anything made of flamable material (like your pocket). thanks for doing your part to keep our soft fluffy marshmellow community safe.

Batteries should be respected, I know someone who hooked up a defective charger to an e-cig battery, it exploded and shot out of his hand like a rocket, spewing melted-on-fire battery-liquid all over the place, burning the carpet.

Not long ago, some guy put his mod e-cig batteries in backwards, it exploded in his mouth, shattering his teeth.

Some batteries have fuses, not all do...
i refuse to live my life cringing whenever i plug in my cell phone, my car has never blown up when i turn the key in the ignition, i don't wear a blast shield when i twist the dial on my stove, and i've never had a bowl full of crap explode all over the bathroom when i pushed the handle on the toilet. well, one time it did, but it wasn't the toilet's fault.

to each their own fears i guess. live and let live i say.
I hear ya burro, I've heard of people driving down the street only to get hit by another person, but I can't stop driving to work everyday.

I appreciate the article, but like anything else, if you're going to do something. do it well, safe, and responsibly.
Stop Smoking

E-cigarettes a 'gateway' to harder drugs, study says

Published September 04, 2014Reuters

Like conventional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes may function as a "gateway drug" that can prime the brain to be more receptive to harder drugs, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday.
The findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, add to the debate about the risks and benefits of electronic cigarettes, the increasingly popular devices that deliver nicotine directly without burning tobacco.
"With e-cigarettes, we get rid of the danger to the lungs and to the heart, but no one has mentioned the brain," coauthor Dr. Eric Kandel of Columbia University, whose findings were published in the New England Journal of Medicine, said in a telephone interview.
In laboratory studies, the researchers showed that "once mice and rats are on nicotine, they are more addicted to cocaine" after being introduced to that drug, said Dr. Aruni Bhatnagar of the University of Louisville, who was not involved in the study but chaired a 10-member American Heart Association panel on the impact of e-cigarettes.
That was true even when the mice received nicotine without burning tobacco, Kandel, a 2000 Nobel laureate for his work on memory, told Reuters Health in a telephone interview.
The findings by Kandel and his wife, Columbia University researcher Denise Kandel, expand on her earlier work on nicotine as a "gateway drug," a theory she first reported on in 1975. [more]

E-cigarettes a 'gateway' to harder drugs, study says | Fox News
i watched a show on cnbc about colorado's legal pot industry. there is a contractor here i know who is unavailable to build barns for the next 6 months because he and his farmboy crew are busy building a 30 acre greenhouse aurora, co. yep, a 30 acre greenhouse! what do you grow in a 30 acre greenhouse? crazy. his wife pretends to be unhappy about it in church, you just don't talk about that out here, but i notice she is driving a brand new suburban and has new clothes way outside her previous budget and style.

if nicotine juice is called eliquid, does that mean cannabis oil is elickweed?

some folks are getting rich off legal pot. some other folks are getting rich off vaping. i think i would be good at both. coming to a state near you. yay libertarians!
Just what we need more laws... Nicotine is a stimulant, do you feel same way about coffee?

Coffee won't give you cancer...But in spite of your narrow vision, you make a good point, yes, you the one with a red boob and yellow nipple avatar....

I meant to say ALL TOBACCO Products.
Coffee won't give you cancer...But in spite of your narrow vision, you make a good point, yes, you the one with a red boob and yellow nipple avatar....

I meant to say ALL TOBACCO Products.

Nicotine doesn't give you cancer.