DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

We had a surprising 4% melt up between August and end of October. It was like the Big Boys said to hell with seasonality. Now we're in the season and I'm not buying into seasonality yet. I think SPX is still do a pullback to 2544 and perhaps as low as 2382. Market is tricky and will likely move up to 2577 before more downward action but I'm not biting yet. Just sitting fat, dumb, and impatient on the sidelines. All the best.

IFT. Reduced exposure. I must get some gains this month.
G 70%
S 15%
C 10%
I 5%

Best wishes to everyone on your investments!!!!!!! :smile:

P.s. might yank out more tomorrow... will see. But I might just let the 30% ride.
We had a surprising 4% melt up between August and end of October. It was like the Big Boys said to hell with seasonality. Now we're in the season and I'm not buying into seasonality yet. I think SPX is still do a pullback to 2544 and perhaps as low as 2382. Market is tricky and will likely move up to 2577 before more downward action but I'm not biting yet. Just sitting fat, dumb, and impatient on the sidelines. All the best.


Hi FS, I was surprised by melt up too! Kept thinking the seasonal hammer would hit and it never did. So is it a delayed reaction this year with fun to come?? Or does market continue its seeming immunity to gravity called the Trump phenomena? Waiting for the Congressional spoilers to step in to pop the balloon and blow up the party! Lol.... :blink: For now Im just trying to sneak some coin when brave enough to gingerly dip my toes... Hoping Jaws doesnt get me.
Decided to keep my toes (30%) in market for this coming week. I like the charts. :D All look good with Stochastics and MACD crossed positive, sloped up and EMAs sloped up and price above mid-point of Bollinger bands. Of course, that can change quickly with Congress coming back next week. If they do talk, which they will, and market drops a bit short term, I am positioned to buy in with 70%... But not until December...:(

If I recall correctly, First half of December brings weakness before the Santa rally starts later in month, but who knows...maybe it just keeps trucking along as it has all year?? I can still exit through Thursday with no IFTs. Will see....

Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!! Best wishes to you all on your Investments!!!!!!!! :smile:
Well, as usual .... when I am in the market I want to exit, when I am out I want to get in... lol... But I am in 30% right now, and for me it is a happy medium. Deciding if I want to exit and then just have one entry in December later in month (after early to mid-month seasonal weakness if that happens), OR add to equities on Friday or early next week???

The Charts look good, Stochastics all above 80 so one could say price is high... but I've been thinking that all year and it continues upward. Bottom line is that MACD is positive and moving up, Price is above the Bollinger Band mid-point, EMAs all sloped up, and Stochastics above 80. Charts look Excellent!!!

I would say it could all end next week with Government failing to pass something to keep the Government running past next Friday (8th) , or a few rogue GOP Senators saying something to freak everyone out about the tax plan, or someone indicating that inflation is going to rise, or little Rocket man shooting off another missile, etc. Lots to fear, but yet the revised GDP for last month was revised upward to ... was it 3.3%?? Nice!!!

I dunno... I think I am going to stay in at present level, which I am very comfortable with and just let it ride for now. :D

Maybe this evening and into early next week, I will think about increasing equities a bit, but IF I do, it would be limited to what I feel comfortable with to keep in for all of December regardless of any possible pull back. So maybe I add another 20% or 30% to go to total equities of 50-60%?? ...and maybe reallocate among the 3 TSP equities. Then I would still have one more IFT to get in on a pull back or just before the Santa Rally! Will see.....

Best Wishes to Everyone on Your Investments!!!!!!!!!! :smile:
The look on the second dog's face displays exactly how I feel when making a buy/sell decision ... uggghhh...oh no, not again!!!..... :laugh:

Ok. On to more serious things... lol... so whatztodo?? I kinda wanna buy at a bargain since market down now.... but vote will not happen until after cut off!! so, if I put in buy, then they vote yes, it goes up and I don't get good deal?? Or they vote no and it allcrashes... ugghh.. :rolleyes:
Hum... may need to wait until Monday. but te DOW 184 drop looks yummy right now!! 34 minutes ...
Whoa Nellie... now dropped to -281 points as FBN reporting Flynn will testify against Trump, but not sure of what crime. Regardless, affecting market.

Revision... now down 180 ... market shrugging it off.
Does anyone know what happened to $DWCPF at 11:50 AM going up over 9% from 1320 to 1440? I hope it's true and it holds but that's a big jump for an index! :smile:
I brought it up on my phone when it peaked, I was stoked for about 4 minutes, then it went back down, and then some :-/
Market rise today looks like you picked a good time to jump in especially if we get a good jobs report tomorrow. :smile:
Contemplating a reallocation. I Fund and C Fund still looking good. S Fund is interesting. Slow Stochastic is low...so would think it should go up soon, but I understand tax plan passage would help large caps more...so C fund is tge place to be? Yet I fund could also be better if things fall apart???

Im at 70C-25S-5I..... Thinking to go 45C-5S-50I... But when? Today seems a good time to switch, but this week should be a good mainly no tax plan news week (upward floating), until next week when budget/continuing resolution talks plus tax plan talk rears its ugly head. Hoping this week is smoother sailing!!! And I love smooth sailing! :D

Best wishes to you all on your Investments!!!!!!! :smile: