DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

Uptight about market? This changes my mood in about 5 seconds..tops! Yeah!Shake that money maker!

Love this remake...Awesome singer and trumpet solo!

With 4 business days left in February, I am thinking to move into the F fund Wednesday. Will see....

Wishing you a good evening, and Best Wishes on your Investments!!!!!!!!!
Interesting article DBA. So, if the jobs numbers are good in March and inflation is up a tad, will the Fed raise rates? I doubt it....but if they did, and with QE ended (for now), liquidity continues to dry up. That's a great way to take money off the table....slowly but deliberately. I've seen this issue in the news a few times this year. So, they get rid of the penny and the $100 bill...too analog for our digital society.:D:D:D

Wow what a week! Been busy and hard to track market this week. Will try to get my groove on by Monday.

Hope you al have a great weekend! Best wishes on your investments!!!!!!! :smile:
I must say, I laughed my head off today.....several times. I mean belly whopper type laughs. :laugh:

I was watching Fox, CNN, and Fox Business News and the clips they are stringing together of Trump and Rubio going at it. And two Vicente Fox F bombs. Insane!! I will keep my other comments to the political threads! Just had to say...What a battle!

Okay...but in all seriousness...its getting to be bit much. I am ready for this to end.
Winding down. Just love this song...one of my all time favorites! Love the music, vocal and lyrical angst! ...."Just Hold on tight" .... Good night!

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Going20% C, 20% S and10% F..

Charts looklie a bit more to go up in equities. Kinda late but Slo Stochastics turned back ... Macd still below its signal line but sloped up. Consider this a weaker setup then would like fo entry. SHortterm 2-3 day play.

Best wishes on Your Investments !!!!!!!!:smile:
Okay. Probably going to exit here in a few minutes. Down day yesterday when I got in. Up day today...hope it holds through the last hour of trading. Just a little nibble. But trying to not overstay my welcome in this volatile market. Quite honestly...Just do not like being in... Will look for another buy opportunity (quick in and out) later this month... Hoping for a better set up (i.e. with earlier entry at a lower price point). This one looks like it could go up much more....but who knows.

Best Wishes to Everyone on Your Investments!!!!!!!! :smile:

P.S. Will probably move out of equities but leave a bit in the F fund.
P.S.S. That is what I did... 80%G / 20%F.
I really did not like exiting today. Have a feeling this market will go up next couple days, but oh well.... better safe than sorry at this point. Just happy to wet my parched lips at this point! :wink:
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Okay. Probably going to exit here in a few minutes. Down day yesterday when I got in. Up day today...hope it holds through the last hour of trading. Just a little nibble. But trying to not overstay my welcome in this volatile market. Quite honestly...Just do not like being in... Will look for another buy opportunity (quick in and out) later this month... Hoping for a better set up (i.e. with earlier entry at a lower price point). This one looks like it could go up much more....but who knows.

Best Wishes to Everyone on Your Investments!!!!!!!! :smile:

P.S. Will probably move out of equities but leave a bit in the F fund.
P.S.S. That is what I did... 80%G / 20%F.
I really did not like exiting today. Have a feeling this market will go up next couple days, but oh well.... better safe than sorry at this point. Just happy to wet my parched lips at this point! :wink:

Love the new avatar, so pleasing to look at!
Thanks JTH!!! I love it because it looks like an oil painting. I may need to try to duplicate it one day; but its been a thousand years since I've painted. Would be nice though. Then again a good picture works too!!! :rolleyes:
Okay. So its been awhile since I posted any charts. Here are a few.

Believe it or not, I am thinking about an entry. But will wait to see what happens tomorrow with the jobs report.

Charts are looking good, but keeping in mind that seasonality tends to not be as good the last half of month. Or at least it seems. And of course I am not forgetting we are in a overall downtrend; but recognizing we did take out the January high, but far from taking out the high we hit in Oct, Nov and Dec. BUT...We also hit resistance a few days ago at the May level for the F Fund. So that could mean more upward movement in equities.

But no question the market is smokin!!!! Wish I had stayed in (moved in and out at 40% Mon/Tues and earned .81 or so), but still felt too risky. Now it is looking better. It should hit a little rough spot for a day or two???? Drop to a Bollinger Band mid-point level or 18-20 day EMA, to where I could better consider a buy in. Its just so high right now, really do need at least a little pull back.

But what I like is how the Bollinger Bands are so bowed out (like a trumpet).... that is awesome and MACD has so much breadth above its signal line with Slow Stochastic upward.... heck both S and C funds. The only thing of concern is that Slow Stochastic is so high right now.. it typically does not embed up that high for long so I expect it to go down soon. But the BBs are so very bowed out... looks like it is on a trajectory; so while an entry now would be "chasing" it would be like chasing a train that looks like it is getting ready to take on some speed. So Price is definitely in a 10 day EMA upward channel and looks like it is staying there. Also, on one chart the 10 day EMA is getting ready to cross over the 50 EMA on both charts.. Actually it is now touching the 50 day EMA on the C fund and just slightly under it on the S fund chart. That is very good!! :D

Here are the 6-month DAILY charts... Enjoy!!!

Dow Jones U.S. Completion Total Stock Market Index, XX:DWCPF Advanced Chart - (DJW) XX:DWCPF, Dow Jones U.S. Completion Total Stock Market Index Stock Price - BigCharts.com

C FUND (Tracks SPX)
S&P 500 Index, SPX Advanced Chart - (SNC) SPX, S&P 500 Index Stock Price - BigCharts.com

Here is the F fund just for fun!!! :D
F FUND (Tracks AGG)
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF, AGG Advanced Chart - (NAR) AGG, iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF Stock Price - BigCharts.com

NOTE TO SELF: Don't get overly excited! Market is still in an OVERALL downtrend and its risky! That means Partial Entry and Quick In and Out.

Best Wishes to Everyone on Your Investments!!!!!!!!! :smile:
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Gosh.... No pull back Friday. Will see about Monday or Tuesday entry. Market is so high in the 10 DmA channel. Will see....considering short in and out.

Its been a quiet peaceful weekend! Best wishes to you on your investments this coming week!!!!!!! :smile:
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Buy in today. Market seems stable, but....price is so high, hugging the upper Bollinger bands. Wanted to see a little pullback. Maybe that will happen this afternoon????

short buy.
35%S...15%I with 40% F and 10%G.

Last IFT of month. Will get out this week and leave 40% in F rest of month but move to G if it starts taking hits.

Best wishes to everyone on your investments!!!!!!! :smile: