DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

Oh.. Lol. Sorry..74% is in G. Crap.. I better go check it. Make sure I didn't mess up.. Yep.. The transfer went through.. It's pending.
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DBA: You're always a breath of fresh air. The sounds you share bring solace to the soul, considering: 70's>Zepplin/Earth Wind and Fire; 80's>Whitesnake/Eagles; 90's>Pearl Jam/Pantera; Millenium>Art Bell/Rush L; Past decade; Youtube conspiracies; Moving ahead; NWO, digital currency & Biblical armageddon? In spite of it all, "He IS Risen"
Blessings to you Wahinepio! Thank you for the beautiful compliment. :smile: You are so kind. We need beautiful music to lift our spirits and Sing to the Lord! This music is so very beautiful and touches the soul so deeply, it brings tears. Blessings to you and all, and hope your had a peace filled Easter day yesterday!
Based on these charts, C is looking better than S. I have been pretty focused on S since Oct 2020 so now need to look closer at C. Thanks for putting these out - a great help (especially having the slow stochastics on there). Good luck to all.:D
Based on these charts, C is looking better than S. I have been pretty focused on S since Oct 2020 so now need to look closer at C. Thanks for putting these out - a great help (especially having the slow stochastics on there). Good luck to all.:D
I agree flalaw97, i'm in 50/50 C/S. looks like we are entering into the business cycle phase where S would normally under perform or be a bad performer compared with C. this is also the start of looking at the F fund as a safe haven rather than G when pulling back from the other funds. then again - as i've mentioned in the past the business cycle is kind of messed up with all the manipulation of the various National and world banks. now it looks like the possibility of a shift in currency is in the air as well. it will be interesting to see how that all plays out.
when i use the word "interesting" in this way - it always reminds me of an old Irish curse... "may you live in interesting times". ha ha ha
good luck to all. I've seen several of you have been able to take advantage of the recent moves I missed. Good for you!
Agree as well. Rotation towards C fund from S fund is going on. Also, C fund broke above its longer term trend since Feb/March while S fund has not. But I did not switch more to C only because so much uncertainty on what will happen as with recovery. But I am becoming a believer and thinking to reallocate to put more into C fund. Just trying to figure out when.

Here are charts this morning plus chart I use to check rotation.


SPX now.png

This chart compares Russell 2000 to SPY. Notice how pink line (SPY= ETF that tracks S&P 500) now out performing Small caps Russell 2000 (IWM), which is subset of DWCPF/S fund.
Comparing Spy to Spx.png
Oh darn.. I missed it... I was considering a move today too but got busy and forgot. But I was going to add more to S so maybe it's good I forgot.
Gosh KB... not sure about my move, but it is based on my reading of charts. As I always say, I don't have a crystal ball, and the market can do anything and turn on a dime. :D:D:D. Best wishes to you!