DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

Charts. as of a few mins ago. Price today dropped below mid-term trend lines. I did not change trend lines from earlier this week, but did emphasize some. Looks like bearish divergences took effect. Not sure when drop ends, but for now 20 day moving average (pink) line is acting as support. Default MACD crossed negative on both charts slightly, but that was also visible yesterday.

DWCPF -daily.jpg

SPX now.jpg
Good article...I tend to think its spot on. Market not caring what happened on past (earnings) as much as it cares about where are we going. Need vaccines distributed and injected. Where did they all go? I do believe administration said they were going to order 200M (per J Psaki) And get distributed by mid Summer....WOW! but where did the ones already purchased go?

This will impact market, economy and people if vaccines don't get delivered and distributed. CDC reports 19M Americans received first dose. But supply limited and then heard someone in administration mention that corporations should be getting vaccines for distribution to employees??? What?? Are corporations cutting the line? hummm......:notrust:

This is disturbing... first I've heard of it. I think the f'g communist Chinese are involved! (pardon the French but damn!)
Notice how they never name the "carriers" or where they are from. Probably another instance of allowing ourselves to be dupped...similar to allowing virtually all meds to be made in China!
Some will say this is just "business"! Can anyone shed light on this? I guess I've been asleep. :(
Stop Buying Chinese!!!!

No charts before cut off today... out of range. :( So far..Futures mixed...

Best wishes to Everyone! :D:D:D

The market has been strange to me for awhile and just when I finally give in crap happens. Its been a bad month for me so I pulled chocks and will sit the side lines as I'm out of moves. That may be a good thing since right now I feel like I'm at the craps table trying to get my money back only to keep loosing because I'm on a loosing streak. Just maybe I think the best is to do the opposite of what I'm doing. (Maybe I should create a chart on that). I have bought the top of the F fund and the top of the C fund this month only to see them drop and be at the bottom of the tracker list. Time to take breather and reevaluate the seasonality plan I was trying this year. Good luck DBA thanks for all you do!
You've been busy DB! thanks for keeping us informed and everything else you do here. love your French accent ha ha ha ha.
I might add about the vaccine issue - one aspect (only one) is that the vaccine is actually delicate and has a shelf life. if not handled properly or it takes too long to get to the process site, it becomes no good. so, yes, many more doses are being made than are being given, but there is a normal and expected waste with all vaccines. ultimately, the reasons don't really matter. you've hit it on the head - not good for the market. the market doesn't like when it doesn't get what it expects or there is uncertainty. TSPTalk mentions today one of the biggest uncertainty issues to come along in decades. and we'll be seeing how the market reacts in the coming days. we also haven't seen everything the new administration is rolling out. i'm still waiting till mid Feb and hoping for what would be a normal pull back. Good luck to all!
BTW. while we are sitting on the sidelines; if you haven't seen it already, or its been a while since you did, check out a British PBS mini documentary series called "the ascent of money".
The market has been strange to me for awhile and just when I finally give in crap happens. Its been a bad month for me so I pulled chocks and will sit the side lines as I'm out of moves. That may be a good thing since right now I feel like I'm at the craps table trying to get my money back only to keep loosing because I'm on a loosing streak. Just maybe I think the best is to do the opposite of what I'm doing. (Maybe I should create a chart on that). I have bought the top of the F fund and the top of the C fund this month only to see them drop and be at the bottom of the tracker list. Time to take breather and reevaluate the seasonality plan I was trying this year. Good luck DBA thanks for all you do!

See I bailed yesterday and the market is up big today. Everyone is welcome. I will let you know when I move back in so you can move to the sidelines. LOL
Yep.. Possible liability for insurance companies who have to pay for failed business that were driven out of business by government action.
Mmk, Thanks for great article: legal judgment plus video on getting business insurance to pay for State imposed shut down of a business (I.e. restaurants). The lawsuits will be coming. Who wins depends on State law, how tightly the insurance policy language was written, and how good your lawyer argues case... of course, you then need to hope you have a good judge!
Trying to figure out whether to move to lilypad. Volatility Index (VIX) is up at 30 from 22 last week. NAAIM dropped from 112 to 83. C and S both appear to have fallen out of their trading channel and were at all time highs. Am I correct that neither is embedded (above 80) Slo Stochastics anymore? All those are signals to get out and wait for indicators to move back into positive areas...
Trying to figure out whether to move to lilypad. Volatility Index (VIX) is up at 30 from 22 last week. NAAIM dropped from 112 to 83. C and S both appear to have fallen out of their trading channel and were at all time highs. Am I correct that neither is embedded (above 80) Slo Stochastics anymore? All those are signals to get out and wait for indicators to move back into positive areas...

Those all sound like good reasons to justify an exit to the lily pad. I myself made the move to G on Wednesday based on a simple rule I created for myself. That is when the days closing price falls below the 10 SMA (simple moving average) that is my self imposed stop/loss point. No thinking about it, procrastinating or wondering what if, I just do it. Yep, stop/loss works for me. :rolleyes:
Those all sound like good reasons to justify an exit to the lily pad. I myself made the move to G on Wednesday based on a simple rule I created for myself. That is when the days closing price falls below the 10 SMA (simple moving average) that is my self imposed stop/loss point. No thinking about it, procrastinating or wondering what if, I just do it. Yep, stop/loss works for me. :rolleyes:

I think we can blame this all on Tom had he not allowed himself to go golfing today things might have been different. You know cats away mice will play thing. :nuts:
Hi Flalaw97, Was not able to answer your question Friday as I was out of town. So, I am very glad that RF answered your question! Very good response.

You asked if Stochastic is no longer embedded. Embedded is something Ira Epstein refers to in his teaching. He defines it as when both lines of Stochastic (K% and D%) are at or above 80 for 3 days. As soon as one line drops below 80, it is no longer embedded unless it re-embeds within one day/or other chart timeframe. The S and C fund have been embedded for quite some time. Both the S and C fund lost the embedded reading on Wednesday 1/27 by mid-day. See my posts 3301.

Regarding exits, its important to always have an exit plan, whether you’re a swing or longer-term trader. Some believe you should just stay in and ride a market drop down and back up since we are in a “bull” market. I am not of that opinion.

Market can drop 10% and still be considered a “normal” downturn by pros, and overall market’s not considered to enter a Bear market until it drops 20%+. That doesn’t happen in a few days…or at least it hasn’t. With increased rapid transaction trading and more individuals trading, I think that remains to be seen.

My 2021 Strategy is to TRY to make sure I have fully exited when the daily 13 EMA drops below the daily 20 SMA (also shown as Mid-point of Bollinger band=dotted pink line between upper and lower dotted gray bands on my charts). However, if you wait that long, you may LOSE quite a bit IF you did not enter the buy when the 13 EMA crossed above the 20 MA the last time it occurred. So, that is why you will see that I usually start to reduce exposure before that point (to pocket some gains)…plus fear has stopped me from entering when 13 EMA first crosses over 20 SMA. This bearish crossover occurred on Friday for both C and S funds. So, if I had still been in market that would be a firm exit for me under my current strategy.

I start to REDUCE exposure when I see trendline formations that are bearish (e.g. rising bearish wedge that formed over the past week or so), or bearish candlesticks/or formations COUPLED with Stochastic K% line (black) crossing below the 80 line (losing embedded reading), or MACD crossing below its signal line or bearish divergence forming (in price candlesticks in comparison to Stochastics, MACD, RSI or VIX).

The divergences are something I just recently started observing more frequently. On 19th I exited 80% due to RSI dropping below 70 And MACD starting to cross below its signal line.
I exited my remaining 20% on that date. See my post 3300 where I mention the bearish wedge formation and marked the divergence on charts. Notice that the Stochastics were still embedded at that point (see numbers on Stochastics part of the charts...all above 80.) But by post 3301, charts two days later, the Stochastics no longer embedded due to market drop.
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Regarding exits, its important to always have an exit plan, whether you’re a swing or longer-term trader. Some believe you should just stay in and ride a market drop down and back up since we are in a “bull” market. I am not of that opinion.

The reason I came looking to TSPTalk last year was that I was uncomfortable with the buy and hold approach. It seems like getting out when the big dips happen is something that in the long run will help your botom line. I know that the buy and holders insist that you will miss the upturn and that is what hurts your bottom line. So my approach has been to try to get out when it is headed down, wait to see the numbers start to stabilize or look up and then get in and stay in when it is generally going up. So I missed the best exit when the Stochastics showed the S and C were no longer embedded and most of my January gains were lost. But I am going to sit on the lilypad for a little to see what happens next. I won't sit on the sidelines for too long - I have a few years to weather some downturns and want to be in when, like last year, the market decides to gain more than 30% in a single year.

Thanks for the very detailed explanation. I will continue to try to study these and watch for more signs. Your explanation is very helpful! And thanks to RF for answering up. There were too many factors saying get out to hang around. Best of luck!
Your welcome Flalaw,
I have searched for a strategy that keeps me in market longer, while avoiding buy and hold. For me, the13/20 crossover seems okay, but lose too much on exit so looking for replacement (maybe 17/35 crossover or 5/10). Years ago, I read about a method that has been tested and supposedly best cross over (13/48.5 daily EMA). I have some charts based on this and look at them, for reference at times but do not post them... but you or others might like taking a look for consideration in your own trading strategies or as reference indicators.

This crossover is mentioned in a 2015 Yahoo Finance article.

Here is link contained in that article to more about The underlying study/findings. Very Interesting!
Golden Cross – Which is the best? – ETF HQ

This would have one in market for very extended periods.

Best wishes to you and everyone*! :D:D:D
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