Thank you Tom and Bullitt for your advice on printers! :smile:
I am thinking to go with your advice to buy a good black and white laser printer. Later, I may buy something with good resolutions to scan in old photos and print color photos. So many to choose from but many are out of stock. hummm...may look at color laser printer and consider cartridge costs.....color ink jets are enticing....but regardless there are tons of reviews with significant complaints! :worried:
I have always used HP...(old ink jet.. 2004) just kept going and going and was soooo reliable until it finally died a few months ago. The newer one (~2015 HP office jet 7612.. ink jet) prints great with doc feeder, but that darn thing takes Forever to warm up... I get irritated listening to it whoo and haaaa and fart about for at least 5 minutes before it prints! Now it refuses to print ...says it needs ink but there is ink in it. plus its always had wireless connectivity issues.