DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

Decision made...Staying out based on Weekly chart (huge candle) and volume (too low) in my most humble opinion. But this week, it is a beautiful run up to behold! Will see how things change up next week.

Best Wishes to All* and Have a Great Holiday Weekend! :D:D:D
Just entered 35%C, 35%S=70%. Will see how this goes... a bit nervous. Expect market to pull back a bit as it moves away from upper Bollinger band, but think it has a little more room... just not sure when it drops. I think Nancy will fold and give in to stimulus but who knows..... :D:D:D
Charts -have drawn in longer term support/resistance lines...I like S Fund... but C Fund is hitting below a longer term resistance area. Will see how it pans out...sticky pants deployed...lol...

Best wishes to you All* !!! :D:D:D

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Yep...wish I had waited another day...but you just never know. Stimulus needed!

On C fund, today's action has broken below longer trend line BUT its still holding above more recent support line (pink line) equal to Feb high and interim highs last month that bumped resistance in that same area in Sept...crossing fingers that this former resistance line, now acting as support, will hold and prevent further drop.
Will see....:D:D:D
I've pulled out all together. things looking to good to be true for me. that and election uncertainty. i'll revisit after election. good luck to you all!
Charts as of a few mins ago... the 13 EMA still above 20 SMA, but Slow Stochastic dropped below 80 on C fund=SPX. Will see how this goes... plus feel better about lower exposure ... Best Wishes to All and have a Great Weekend! :smile:

PS. I'm needing a new printer. Anyone know of a really good one???

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PS. I'm needing a new printer. Anyone know of a really good one???

I got so tired of replacing ink cartridges a few years ago that I went to back a B&W laser printer and the toners last me for years. I have a Canon and a Brother laser (2 locations) and haven't had any issues.

If you need color, there may be laser color printers, but I bet they're pricey?
Agree. Buy a good laser printer and be done with it. It's 2020, and all inkjets are still garbage, but pay attention to how much the toner cartridges cost. Color is not cheap. (But your charts do deserve to be printed in color.)
Thank you Tom and Bullitt for your advice on printers! :smile:

I am thinking to go with your advice to buy a good black and white laser printer. Later, I may buy something with good resolutions to scan in old photos and print color photos. So many to choose from but many are out of stock. hummm...may look at color laser printer and consider cartridge costs.....color ink jets are enticing....but regardless there are tons of reviews with significant complaints! :worried:

I have always used HP...(old ink jet.. 2004) just kept going and going and was soooo reliable until it finally died a few months ago. The newer one (~2015 HP office jet 7612.. ink jet) prints great with doc feeder, but that darn thing takes Forever to warm up... I get irritated listening to it whoo and haaaa and fart about for at least 5 minutes before it prints! Now it refuses to print ...says it needs ink but there is ink in it. plus its always had wireless connectivity issues.
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Today's closing daily charts. I did not redraw lines so they're messy due to change from 8-month to 4-month period. I'm still sticking in there, though S Fund not doing much for me.... C fund just touched the (green) resistance line intraday and backed off...interesting...will be watching for breakout. Its still a good line, but will likely look to put in some shorter term lines on Wednesday night... :smile:

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So the S fund has now lost its embedded reading (no longer above 80 on Stochastics). Maybe time to exit....ugghhh...what a stinker! But its still above that resistance line...hugging it does not look good....knocking on the door to drop further? Not looking like a high baseline anymore.... Wanted to see if they could make a deal... not watched any news today...ugghhh..likely exiting...with 7 more days in month before more IFTs...dang it...

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I bailed to G since S lost embedded reading, now 100% G waiting for volatility to go away!!!

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Charts update. Now the MACD is crossing down... definitely an exit signal. But I am a bit hard-headed...will see in the morning. See Gator Jaws on both charts! eeee......oh and futures are down right now. No rays of sunshine...:worried:... maybe market nervousness before the "debate"????

Best wishes to you all*! :D:D:D

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I listened to Ira Epstein's video just now and really love his take... Expert! Nnuut..thank you posting on that thread! The way he drew the inverted head and shoulders pattern makes it clear the goodies were gotten already. Also appears I got caught in the clamp down of the Gator Jaws???..:notrust: if so, its my fault, should have exited when it first lost the embedded reading on the Stochastics. Ira points out we are now hitting his "line in the sand"..18 day moving average which he often views as a reset button. Short term trend obviously still down. He is liking for folks to subscribe to his Youtube video, though we do get them here. Good news... he said Santa (rally) is coming regardless of who wins...wooo...hoooo! :banana:

For now thinking to just stay with my 35%S fund at least through tonight's debate...scrooge Nancy not giving up any coin...:sick:

Reminder that every Thursday night, Romulus on Grok Trade holds a Free 30 minute zoom call and goes over major index charts, plus Sectors and ETFs and makes some calls. He gives opportunity at end to ask questions including specific ETFs, etc. ...I really like him!
