DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

With such a icky morning its time to get moving.... one of my favorite dance songs... J LO !! Oh yeah... she kicks it out of the park... I like that little weird change in the middle... oh yeah … time to shake it and take a little dance around the kitchen.. !! ( This market sure aint) This video will wake up men a little more then me but that is ok! as I do have coffee!! :laugh: She is one of the most beautiful women in the world, talented and great voice! :smile:

P.S. Hoping to be able to sing this in December for Karaoke party at a great Karaoke bar... but will do with sis as it requires two voices due to the vocal layering. Still working it....:D

Saw J-Lo in Vegas 2 months ago...not my cup of tea, but my fiancee insisted. I must say, I enjoyed it much more than I thought, she put on quite a show! :)
Your Lucky!! Wow... I would love to see J-Lo . I also heard Mariah Carey will be at Caesars in February. She is Awesome too!
But I typically do not go to Vegas until first week in April (Big 10)… ha... brother in law likes to go at that time.
I decided to wait until Friday to enter. Will see..
Who knows? But I am thinking to get in today or Friday---and then stay in a few days next week. Leaning towards a Friday entry only because I think that is seasonally a low day. Today is seasonally a high day and looks like it will fulfill. I see DOW moving down to +132 and it was higher earlier this morning... so still watching..... other thought was to enter 50% today and add 50% more on Friday. Will see...… the good news is that S fund is way up right now (DWCPF at +1.90%--and SXP (C Fund up .97f% … some of you are gettin some back... woo … hooo… )

I am hoping it goes up. All charts have now touched down to 20 on Full Stochastic. But I still think it would be risky... so thinking very short in and out. Obviously that means nothing if it drops further.
Wishing you all the Best. I know many have personal heartaches they are dealing with. Some have unexpected tragedies, health or family issues and some suffer with depression. Often the Holidays heighten this. I pray for you and ask God to lift you up. May God bless you and your family always---with love.

Good morning DBA! I hope and pray you and yours have many new “thanks” to keep you feeling warm through the upcoming winter.

On to markets....it may be my turkey coma being of undue influence....but I am really considering an entry this morning. No specific reason I can put a finger on....just a feeling. Any thoughts you may have are greatly appreciated.
I’m going to roll the dice and put on a pair of sticky pants for the time being. Going in but not sure what to where...thinking 75 S and 25 C. Mmmm
S fund has crossed above its signal line (but still below 20) on Stochastics. It has also lost the most compared to the others so maybe its ripe for bigger increase?

C fund has not dropped as much (% wise) but possibly deal in the works for Brexit. C fund more susceptible to getting affected by World events because these larger Caps rely on revenues from outside the US for about 40-44%??? Not absolutely 100% certain on that but believe that is what I have heard several times.

I like 75S-25C but considering a little less in S fund.... hum..... 13 minutes to go. I am definitely going in.
I think that’s right. That is what I am basing the choice off of. I’m thinking that xi meeting will lay a good framework for tarrifs getting delayed/cancelled. Not sure about brexit but hoping that resolves.
Ditto again. My transaction is done as well. I must admit, this trade has me more nervous than most I have made lately. Fingers crossed for all of us in the markets!!!!!
Well... I entered but I can't login to AutoTracker…. Password issues. Trying to resolve. But in 80%S and 20%C. The nervousness is likely from the fact we are in a downtrend... clearly a downtrend. I am just hoping for a short term bounce. Hoping we do not have sellers coming in at end of day to drive prices further down. Yep... this could be a mistake... its high risk in my eyes. We shall see if the gamble pays off....:worried:
I agree it's a little risky considering everything going on next week. I went from 100% C to 25%G 25% C and 50%S. Best of luck and have a great weekend! :smile:
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Its Sunday night and futures are up a tad ---DOW mini +53 points. Will see how it is by morning....

Best Wishes to Everyone and I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!!!!!! :)
Yes... I was thinking the same thing.. Market gains at this time (for one day entry) sure sounds good. But I always hear, let your winners run.... problem is the market has not been running up much lately. So I am thinking to reduce exposure over the next couple days.... just to lock something in. Plus it seems I really do not favor exiting all on one day anymore because of the 4 hours between when we put in IFT and the COB price. Sometimes unexpected things happen and an unexpected drop can really bite.

Just not sure when to start locking them in yet. I don't want to be too greedy. The slope on Stochastic is up and moving up from the 20 line... generally I would want to stay in until it gets to 80 at least.... but with the market as it is (and still in an overall downtrend), I do not want to overstay my welcome. Uggh… decisions decisions.....50 minutes to decide and execute. :rolleyes:
I'm beginning to really overthink this so have to take a step back. We are getting the bounce like I thought we should. Hopefully we continue up! I'm letting it ride and walking away. I'll drown my sorrows or celebrate my brilliance later:D
I see resistance is not too far away... so will see. I am going to let it ride one more day but I am thinking I really should reduce exposure by 25% to go down to 75%. I do think it is going to drop again. Maybe... just maybe the talks between Trump and Xi will be elevate it a bit... I understand they are going to talk before the G20 that starts on Friday.

Longer term, need to keep Brexit in mind. They are set to vote on the new deal with EU on December 12, after 5 days of debating.

But I am wondering about something... S&P (heard it again on FBN) has almost 45% of its revenue coming from outside the US. So if that is the case, why is the I fund doing better than the C fund?? This seems to mean I fund is just overall getting more earnings outside US than US... and I thought US was doing the best globally. hum.... what am I missing?