Display of user(s) "most ignored" in prominent postion

This board is self correcting, and enjoys the supervision of our fine staff of moderators. No additional monitoring is needed.

Let the "free market" of discourse operate. While it may be a bit messy, it ultimately is efficient. The low performers will weed themselves out over time, and those who contributions are valid, significant, useful or at least amusing will survive and thrive.

Sky, I could not disagree with you more.
First of all, I really enjoy reading this kind of discussion. I think its therapeautic and whether we know it or not, it really does address the issue. I've always believe that people who visit this site are intelligent enough to know what one is relevant and which one we should ignore. We all need to understand that we are all unique individuals and what may work for one person may also not work for others.

This is the reason why this site has an ignore button. You decide as an individual on how you want to interact with other members when you feel that their posts are not conducive to your way of thinking.

All I ask (and i'm sure other feel the same way) is for everyone to be civil with each other. We don't have to like each other but we also have to learn to live together. By doing this, as a group, we become credible. I believe this is the reason why this site is prospering.

Good luck to all... P
churl·ish (chûr
sh) adj. 1. Of, like, or befitting a churl; boorish or vulgar.
2. Having a bad disposition; surly: "as valiant as the lion, churlish as the bear" Shakespeare.
3. Difficult to work with, such as soil; intractable.
The only part that I see as "school yard" is the fact that the repercusions here are minor if you don't value your credibility. And don't forget, he also can "ignore" others. Yes, I can see where one might consider Birchtree a "cheerleader". But PLEASE don't say that he is OUR cheerleader.
That's one of the problems, that is exactly what newbies see in their first impression of the board.

I wasn't offended initially, only amused but now he is literally polluting the board with hundreds of posts every day and most not in his own Account Talk.

I really didn't want to turn this thread into a Birchtree bashing. I have always hated "cliques" and there is the appearance that some of those might be on this board but the annoyance factor of the sheer quantity of posts by Birchtree warrant something more. (I don't care as much about his content as long as he doesn't plagiarize and misconstrue as I understand has been known to happen with his info.)

I think the Technician is no where near as bad. At least he has always kept his number of posts per day to a relative few.

Both do hurt the credibility of the board and worse, could conceivably misguide some newbies. That is the reason for the request for "prominent display". Kind of "let the buyer beware" though I will agree, one could argue that since this is a public internet forum, the user hopefully is already cautious. But one has to be lurking for a while to pick up on who is really BS'ing, hence my request that the list be prominently displayed.

In addition, kind of a nice little side benefit, is that this posting of the list will give an incentive to those who are really irritated by Birchtree to put him on ignore in order to have their vote and thus not bother the rest of us with their replies because they won't be reading his junk (for the most part.)

Tech has about 2,000 posts in less than 2 years.......that's a few?? I think the ultra-positive and the ultra-negative are both needed on a board like this.
Me thinks Bill could have said:
"as valiant as the bull, churlish as the bear" Schuette.

churl·ish (chûr
sh) adj. 1. Of, like, or befitting a churl; boorish or vulgar.
2. Having a bad disposition; surly: "as valiant as the lion, churlish as the bear" Shakespeare.
3. Difficult to work with, such as soil; intractable.