Display of user(s) "most ignored" in prominent postion


If possible, I would like to request that a tally of who is being "ignored" the most be published in a "sticky" on some prominent web page. I would like this sticky to be updated weekly (or something like that unless change is very rare). This will give each of us "one vote" and will make it public to new users which members might have a credibility problem with the others.

If my suggestion is adopted, I would also like to request that anyone who is annoyed excessively by someone else, to please put them on your ignore list. This is kind of like a "vote". Because this gives each of us only one vote (I think), that makes it more democratic IMO.

To "ignore" a user who annoys you, this information below hopefully will help you do that in case you don't know how.

I'm hoping it also will be included in a report that gets posted to the public on the site so we all will know the top user or top users, etc who have the most members "ignoring them".


Confirm that you are in the Message Board area of the site.
see http://www.tsptalk.com/mb/

Do a check over the messages and try to confirm the user you want to "ignore". In my example, I will use the username of "Birchtree" since that is the one I want to ignore. Please note that it is best to make sure you have the exact name including any case sensitivity. It wasn't obvious to me whether "case sensitivity" was important.

Click on "User CP" (control panel) on the far left end of the bar - to the left of the "FAQ"

Under the "Miscellaneous" category, click on "Buddy/Ignore lists"

You should see two options for "add new user to list", one beneath the other. The first is for "buddy" usernames

The second option is for "ignore" usernames. To accomplish what I wanted to accomplish, I typed in "Birchtree" in the second option field and clicked on the "save list" button.

Note: There is an option to click on the "complete members list" but that is quite a large list so it is a lot quicker if you know the id before you have to do a full search.

To return to message board - one way is to click on "New Posts".
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To what end would our “public ignore” achieve? I foresee a schoolyard mentality where a few gang up on a single member and the rest go along…..just to go along.

We are members of a community and if you choose to ignore an individual, that’s your business.

As members of the community we all serve a purpose, some more obvious than others. Birchtree is our cheerleader. No matter how bad things get he sees the silver lining on the cloud. Sure, he can get annoying (much like all cheerleaders) but when the top is put in by the market and he bails out we will all take notice. On the other hand Tech is the counterpoint to Birchtree. But when he goes into the market I do take notice. The rest of us fall in between and we are all needed.

So for what it’s worth (about two cents) that’s my take on the matter.
To what end would our “public ignore” achieve? I foresee a schoolyard mentality where a few gang up on a single member and the rest go along…..just to go along.

We are members of a community and if you choose to ignore an individual, that’s your business.

As members of the community we all serve a purpose, some more obvious than others. Birchtree is our cheerleader. No matter how bad things get he sees the silver lining on the cloud. Sure, he can get annoying (much like all cheerleaders) but when the top is put in by the market and he bails out we will all take notice. On the other hand Tech is the counterpoint to Birchtree. But when he goes into the market I do take notice. The rest of us fall in between and we are all needed.

So for what it’s worth (about two cents) that’s my take on the matter.

I have to say I am in agreement with oldcoin. If one wants to ignore thats fine...but why advertise it? People should make their own decisions on whom they wish to read and not be swayed to anothers choice. I also do not think anyone should pm members to warn about another member. We are all adults in professional positions and can make these judgements ourselves.
Just my 2 cents. :D
To what end would our “public ignore” achieve? I foresee a schoolyard mentality where a few gang up on a single member and the rest go along…..just to go along.

We are members of a community and if you choose to ignore an individual, that’s your business.

As members of the community we all serve a purpose, some more obvious than others. Birchtree is our cheerleader. No matter how bad things get he sees the silver lining on the cloud. Sure, he can get annoying (much like all cheerleaders) but when the top is put in by the market and he bails out we will all take notice. On the other hand Tech is the counterpoint to Birchtree. But when he goes into the market I do take notice. The rest of us fall in between and we are all needed.

So for what it’s worth (about two cents) that’s my take on the matter.

The only part that I see as "school yard" is the fact that the repercusions here are minor if you don't value your credibility. And don't forget, he also can "ignore" others. Yes, I can see where one might consider Birchtree a "cheerleader". But PLEASE don't say that he is OUR cheerleader.
That's one of the problems, that is exactly what newbies see in their first impression of the board.

I wasn't offended initially, only amused but now he is literally polluting the board with hundreds of posts every day and most not in his own Account Talk.

I really didn't want to turn this thread into a Birchtree bashing. I have always hated "cliques" and there is the appearance that some of those might be on this board but the annoyance factor of the sheer quantity of posts by Birchtree warrant something more. (I don't care as much about his content as long as he doesn't plagiarize and misconstrue as I understand has been known to happen with his info.)

I think the Technician is no where near as bad. At least he has always kept his number of posts per day to a relative few.

Both do hurt the credibility of the board and worse, could conceivably misguide some newbies. That is the reason for the request for "prominent display". Kind of "let the buyer beware" though I will agree, one could argue that since this is a public internet forum, the user hopefully is already cautious. But one has to be lurking for a while to pick up on who is really BS'ing, hence my request that the list be prominently displayed.

In addition, kind of a nice little side benefit, is that this posting of the list will give an incentive to those who are really irritated by Birchtree to put him on ignore in order to have their vote and thus not bother the rest of us with their replies because they won't be reading his junk (for the most part.)
If possible, I would like to request that a tally of who is being "ignored" the most be published in a "sticky" on some prominent web page.

I just wanted you to know that I read your threads and have learned a lot. Thank you. I admit I know next to nothing about the charts and can contribute very little about the stock market so I really am trying to learn from all members here. And I can say that I have learned a mountain of info. I hope I did not offend with my opinion but divide and conquer isn't my style. You must be really upset to suggest this. I am just not sure why.:confused:
To what end would our “public ignore” achieve? I foresee a schoolyard mentality where a few gang up on a single member and the rest go along…..just to go along.

We are members of a community and if you choose to ignore an individual, that’s your business.

As members of the community we all serve a purpose, some more obvious than others. Birchtree is our cheerleader. No matter how bad things get he sees the silver lining on the cloud. Sure, he can get annoying (much like all cheerleaders) but when the top is put in by the market and he bails out we will all take notice. On the other hand Tech is the counterpoint to Birchtree. But when he goes into the market I do take notice. The rest of us fall in between and we are all needed.

So for what it’s worth (about two cents) that’s my take on the matter.
I'm with you Oldcoin, we need to respect each other and realize that everybody is different. I mean, look at ME, I'm still here and I'm nnuuts!!!:D :nuts: :eek: :laugh:
I just realized that I may have offended cheerleaders…….

I’m really sorry.
I wish there was a way to ignore fights in the board. Some days, I'm reading a useful thread - then it suddenly turns into a war against someone. I don't want to permanently ignore any of the people involved. I just want some AI on the server to recognize fights and label them as so.

Or, maybe we can start a boxing ring thread. Where people who want to go at it can say whatever they want.

Ayla, I'm not directing this at you, but this seems like an appropriate place for what I'm saying because of all the random fights that pop up. I might do a study to see if I can use heated "discussions" as a market indicator.
This board is self correcting, and enjoys the supervision of our fine staff of moderators. No additional monitoring is needed. Ultimately, a participant who journeys beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior is coached, reprimanded, admonished, sidelined, banned, restored, banned again and ultimately banished.

While this may seem to be a labored and lenghty process, it has proven moderately effective over time, allowing some participants to develop and mature and become fine upstanding citizens of this realm. Participants who would otherwise have become lost to us.

Therefore, let us resume our discourse, tolerate the annoying and be patient and kind. When a member gets to the point that they must be addressed, do so in a witty, deft and pithy manner.

If that doesn't work, Tom can always employee his hammer...
Maybe if I posted more stuff on the VIX Ms. Ayla would learn something and find ultimate contentment. Now all she believes is conjecture and innuendo. Honey, you don't have to read anything - stick with your charts and fail. We do however have one characteristic in common: we are both nobodies in a big world - so what does it matter? Kiss my Kate and ignore anyone you wish. And before you get into garbage look at your own posts. Again, I'm sorry if I ever stepped on your delicate bunny paws at anytime - try and relax.
The Reputation feature was supposed to do this but then it was watered down to be virtually meaningless.
I agree it was watered down when we removed the negative rep feature, but unfortunately it was being abused.
Let the "free market" of discourse operate. While it may be a bit messy, it ultimately is efficient. The low performers will weed themselves out over time, and those who contributions are valid, significant, useful or at least amusing will survive and thrive.
Didn't it have features to prevent it from being abused.
Unfortunately not. Not yet anyway. We can turn the reputation feature on or off. I'm assuming the feature to turn off negative rep came as a request from other boards with abuse problems.

I agree with Skypilot. I give people credit for being able to spot the bad seeds on their own eventually. It may take a little time but most people here are bright enough to figure it out.

Of course I saw on 60 minutes or Dateline where many people, including doctors and congressmen, are still being duped into those Nigerian email scams, so maybe I'm wrong. :)
Originally Posted by ayla
If possible, I would like to request that a tally of who is being "ignored" the most be published in a "sticky" on some prominent web page.

Ayla....what were you thinking??