If possible, I would like to request that a tally of who is being "ignored" the most be published in a "sticky" on some prominent web page. I would like this sticky to be updated weekly (or something like that unless change is very rare). This will give each of us "one vote" and will make it public to new users which members might have a credibility problem with the others.
If my suggestion is adopted, I would also like to request that anyone who is annoyed excessively by someone else, to please put them on your ignore list. This is kind of like a "vote". Because this gives each of us only one vote (I think), that makes it more democratic IMO.
To "ignore" a user who annoys you, this information below hopefully will help you do that in case you don't know how.
I'm hoping it also will be included in a report that gets posted to the public on the site so we all will know the top user or top users, etc who have the most members "ignoring them".
Confirm that you are in the Message Board area of the site.
see http://www.tsptalk.com/mb/
Do a check over the messages and try to confirm the user you want to "ignore". In my example, I will use the username of "Birchtree" since that is the one I want to ignore. Please note that it is best to make sure you have the exact name including any case sensitivity. It wasn't obvious to me whether "case sensitivity" was important.
Click on "User CP" (control panel) on the far left end of the bar - to the left of the "FAQ"
Under the "Miscellaneous" category, click on "Buddy/Ignore lists"
You should see two options for "add new user to list", one beneath the other. The first is for "buddy" usernames
The second option is for "ignore" usernames. To accomplish what I wanted to accomplish, I typed in "Birchtree" in the second option field and clicked on the "save list" button.
Note: There is an option to click on the "complete members list" but that is quite a large list so it is a lot quicker if you know the id before you have to do a full search.
To return to message board - one way is to click on "New Posts".
If my suggestion is adopted, I would also like to request that anyone who is annoyed excessively by someone else, to please put them on your ignore list. This is kind of like a "vote". Because this gives each of us only one vote (I think), that makes it more democratic IMO.
To "ignore" a user who annoys you, this information below hopefully will help you do that in case you don't know how.
I'm hoping it also will be included in a report that gets posted to the public on the site so we all will know the top user or top users, etc who have the most members "ignoring them".
Confirm that you are in the Message Board area of the site.
see http://www.tsptalk.com/mb/
Do a check over the messages and try to confirm the user you want to "ignore". In my example, I will use the username of "Birchtree" since that is the one I want to ignore. Please note that it is best to make sure you have the exact name including any case sensitivity. It wasn't obvious to me whether "case sensitivity" was important.
Click on "User CP" (control panel) on the far left end of the bar - to the left of the "FAQ"
Under the "Miscellaneous" category, click on "Buddy/Ignore lists"
You should see two options for "add new user to list", one beneath the other. The first is for "buddy" usernames
The second option is for "ignore" usernames. To accomplish what I wanted to accomplish, I typed in "Birchtree" in the second option field and clicked on the "save list" button.
Note: There is an option to click on the "complete members list" but that is quite a large list so it is a lot quicker if you know the id before you have to do a full search.
To return to message board - one way is to click on "New Posts".
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