I do believe we are some of those who may pay a higher Federal income tax. Your local and state taxes are incredible. Yowser. You actually live in a locality/state that takes over 9% of your taxable income? Yowser Part II. I feel sorry for you...
But, those were round numbers so they may have been estimates. I'll use Kalefornea with real numbers. In the Peoples Republic of Kalefornea you would be taxed $6,010 on your $85,348 in taxable income. With that number, the resulting Federal tax would be:
- Kalefornia State Tax: $6,010
- Current Tax Schedule: $16,098
- Proposed Tax Schedule: $17,025
- Net Annual After Tax Loss: $926
By the way, I now live in North Carolina which actually DOES have a tax system you can do on a post card. They grab 5.75% with no deductions. The numbers now for me are:
- NC State Tax: $5,261
- Current Tax Schedule: $16,286
- Proposed Tax Schedule: $17,025
- Net Annual After Tax Loss: $739
So, for both of us the Federal Income Tax might be higher.
Now comes the moral question. You have chosen to live in a high tax state with hopefully high quality services. Maybe your 9.375% tax rate is buying you great service from your state and locality but why should I pay for it in my Federal income taxes? In affect, I am subsidizing your lifestyle every year by about $560 now that I live in North Cackilacki - and by about $200 when I lived in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornea. You are electing state politicians who are providing great services you want at a price you like. You have to pay for it.
So, there it is. You will likely loose if you are living in a high tax state/locality and itemize. You might even loose a little in a moderate state/local tax environment like my current situation. Like I said earlier, your taxes ARE going to stay the same or go up. We went from a debt of $9 Trillion to $20 Trillion over the past eight years. Back in the day at $9 Trillion I could offer workable solutions for a blend of spending cuts and tax incentives to pay down the debt. No can do now. Gotta grind and pay the piper. We got the 'benefit', now we got to pay da money!!!
I have been using the
' Income Tax Calculator' which seems to generate good numbers. My personal calculations for Fed and California were very close to those generated by this calculator so I will use this for estimates.