Corn and Ethanol.


Companies that make enzymes are building new plants to manufacture the enzymes needed to make sugar from cellulosic feedstock. Give it 2-3 years and these companies will be up and running. That will drastically drop the cost of the enzyme and you'll see less demand for corn and ethanol plants switch to cheaper feedstocks. All it takes to make ethanol is sugar. Glucose molecules are all around us, it just happens to be bound into longer chain molecules that need to be broken up to use. We have now figured out how to mechanically treat cellulosic feedstock to make these molecules available to enzymes that can carve up the molecules.

As gas goes higher, even at the current high price of enzymes the process become profitable. We now know how to achieve cellulosic ethanol. The industry has been working on making it more economically viable. $4/gallon gas makes it economical.

I realize I'm probably telling y'all nothing new....
Solar, Win, Geothermic, Nuclear, Ethanol... are the sources of energy. It is a shame we burn so much oil. It makes me mad our dependency on oil. :mad:
Solar, Win, Geothermic, Nuclear, Ethanol... are the sources of energy. It is a shame we burn so much oil. It makes me mad our dependency on oil. :mad:

I agree with what you say. We still need oil until these other energy sources are robust enough to become our primary sources of energy.
Free market will drive the price and the ROI, nothing more. It may take $200 barrel oil to make all other alternatives more viable. When that happens the market will meet demand hard and fast.
Free market will drive the price and the ROI, nothing more. It may take $200 barrel oil to make all other alternatives more viable. When that happens the market will meet demand hard and fast.
Show-me: You are CORRECT! that's the way it works!
You are, WE rebellious revolutionaries are not. lol He went to his honeymoon in a helicopter. Token display, quit stroking the tree huggers and the corn lobbiest.
Oil works and does not have to be subsidized and if it is that should be cut also. Ethanol is a ripoff!:cool:
If ethanol blender's credit is removed, the immediate effect is that regular gasoline would jump in price between 40 and 60 cents.