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Ethanol: Good for the environment
By using E85, an FFV driver reduced CO2 emissions to the atmosphere by 4 tons.
E85 use reduces ozone-forming pollution by 20%. By using E85, an FFV driver reduced CO2 emissions to the atmosphere by 4 tons.
E85 reduced fuel life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions nearly 30%
E85’s lower pressure can help reduce evaporative emissions.
E85’s lower pressure can help reduce evaporative emissions.
Gasoline contains toxic compounds like benzene, toluene, and xylene. E85 use reduces the release of these chemicals into the environment.
Water use comparisons:
It takes less water to produce a gallon of ethanol than a gallon of oil (3 gallons water to 1 gallon ethanol vs. 9 gallons water to 1 gallon of gasoline).
A typical 40 million gallon ethanol plant uses about the same water per day as a standard 18 hole golf course.
The U.S. ethanol industry needs 49 million gallons of water per day (based on 6 billion gallons of production) – less than 3/10 of 1% of U.S. daily industrial water use.
It takes 300 million gallons of water to produce a single day’s supply of U.S. newsprint.
Ethanol: Good for energy independence
Using home-grown ethanol reduces U.S. oil imports by 128,000 barrels each day.
Each barrel of ethanol we produce displaces 1.2 barrels of petroleum.
Ethanol: Good for Iowa’s economy
Iowa’s ethanol industry has resulted in more than 80,000 new jobs in Iowa, benefiting
all employment sectors and especially benefiting rural communities.Ethanol production puts $2.8 billion into Iowa consumers’ pockets each year.
Ethanol: Good for your engine, good for your pocket book!
A vehicle using regular unleaded gets about 20 miles per gallon of gas; extending the same amount of gas by blending it with E85, a flexible fuel vehicle can travel more than 100 miles.
IndyCar drivers burn 100% ethanol in their engines traveling 220 miles per hour and can’t say enough good about ethanol as a performance fuel.
60 cents of every dollar spent purchasing E85 stays in Iowa
Ethanol blended gas saves the average family $1,000/year
If you’ve heard it once you’ve heard it 10 times:
Ethanol is energy-efficient – when corn is processed into ethanol, there is a net energy gain
of 67%. In other words, ethanol contains 67% more energy than it takes to produce!
of 67%. In other words, ethanol contains 67% more energy than it takes to produce!
Iowa Corn Markets = 2.4 billion bushels
35% - 863 mbu = Ethanol
24% - 565 mbu = Livestock sector
24% - 565 mbu = Livestock sector
23% - 555 mbu = exported to other states or countries
16% - 367 mbu = corn oil, sweeteners and starches
16% - 367 mbu = corn oil, sweeteners and starches
U.S. Corn Markets = 13.1 billion bushels
55% - 6.2 bbu – livestock
17% - 3 bbu – ethanol
17% - 3 bbu – ethanol
19% - 2.4 bbu – exports
5% - 1 bbu – starch, corn oil, sweeteners
5% - 1 bbu – starch, corn oil, sweeteners
3%-328 mbu – flour, grits, meal, beverage alcohol
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