coolhand's Account Talk

Goldman Secret Greece Loan Reveals Two Sinners

Goldman Secret Greece Loan Reveals Two Sinners - Bloomberg

Netanyahu Vows to Prevent Iran From Gaining Atomic Bomb After Obama Talks

Netanyahu Vows to Prevent Iran From Gaining Atomic Bomb After Obama Talks - Bloomberg

Oil Trades Near Two-Day High as Tension With Iran Counters Economy Outlook

Oil Trades Near Two-Day High as Tension With Iran Counters Economy Outlook - Bloomberg

LEAKED MEMO REVEALS: What A Greek Default Will Cost Europe And The World

LEAKED MEMO REVEALS: What A Greek Default Will Cost Europe And The World

FROM MOSKIT TO MiG: Check Out Iran's Fearsome Military Arsenal

FROM MOSKIT TO MiG: Check Out Iran's Fearsome Military Arsenal

Biggest 3-Day Slump in 3 Months for High-Yield Bond ETF

Biggest 3-Day Slump in 3 Months for High-Yield Bond ETF | ZeroHedge

Americans Resisting ObamaCare

RealClearPolitics - Americans Resisting ObamaCare
Gold May Gain as Lowest Prices in Almost Six Weeks Fuel Investment Demand

Gold May Gain as Lowest Prices in Almost Six Weeks Fuel Investment Demand - Bloomberg

MORGAN STANLEY: There's Something Weird Going On With The Economic Data

Morgan Stanley's David Greenlaw Sees An Unusual Divergence In The Economic Data

European Banks Now Face Huge Margin Calls As ECB Collateral Crumbles

Next: Bankruptcy for a whole Generation
What will you do when

Fed plans to nip inflation in the bud by sending hundreds of billions of liquidity $'s to "money heaven" by engineering a precipitous decline.



If it's fast enough, it won't fee much money at all from stocks (which could then go into more inflationary assets), but rather trap that excess liquidity in stocks for the foreseeable future.
It's all speculation - but one needs to prepare for some inflation and increased interest rates. The stock market will be on the move to much higher levels and I'll be there with my open hands.
You're right. It IS speculation. I should have asked "What will you do IF..." not when. But that would be a good way to mop up all that liquidity...
You have to own a hefty block of commodity stocks and shares of companies that can increase their prices to maintain their margins and payouts. We could be four or five years away from any significant pressure from inflation - that provides plenty of time to build the portfolio for the next business cycle. I've already been through numerous inflationary cycles over the years - so it's all in the long range preparation.
60% of Greek Bond Holders Committed to Debt Swap

60% of Greek Bond Holders Committed to Debt Swap - Bloomberg

ECB Inflation Radar May Hinder Growth Efforts

ECB Inflation Radar May Hinder Growth Efforts - Bloomberg

Emerging-Market Stocks in Deepest Losing Streak of Year on Greek Debt Swap

Emerging-Market Stocks in Deepest Losing Streak of Year on Greek Debt Swap - Bloomberg

Fed Debt-Purchase Approach May Hurt Rather Than Help, RBC’s Cloherty Says

Fed Debt-Purchase Approach May Hurt Rather Than Help, RBC

Goldman Reveals The Frustrating Reason That Big Government Debts Slow The Economy

Goldman Reveals The Frustrating Reason That Big Government Debts Slow The Economy

China Moves To Further Marginalize Dollar: Offers CNY-Denominated BRIC Loans

China Moves To Further Marginalize Dollar: Offers CNY-Denominated BRIC Loans | ZeroHedge

Consumer Credit Surges 8.6%, Mostly on Student Debt

News Headlines

Auto Overcapacity Gives Leaders Another Issue to Ponder

Greek debt write-down: The era of risk-free government bonds nears its end

Greek debt write-down: The era of risk-free government bonds nears its end - The Washington Post

Triple trouble in Europe, US and China brings out the bears

Triple trouble in Europe, US and China brings out the bears - Telegraph
I'd put money down that he is re-elected.... what are the odds?

As much as I don't want him re-elected, I'm quite worried that he will be. The GOP candidates aren't the best to choose from and there is no clear winner and someone that really stands out. My logic has always been if the USA didn't want you the first time you ran then why would we want you now? Romney lost the primary last time and he may win it this time, but I dont know if it's going to be enough to beat Obama.
I believe that at this point that anyone of the candidates are better than [obama]
my opinion,

I agree and I just hope more Americans see it that way instead of re-electing him for another term. I'm just worried with all of the controversy and flip flopping our current GOP candidates seem to be doing that we may see a second term Obama.
Well there is one candidate who doesn't flip flop.
Oh, but he's unelectable... even though he is the only one (besides Romney) who has been polled as having a chance to beat Obama.
Investors Agree to Swap About 85% of Greek Debt

Investors Agree to Swap About 85% of Greek Debt - Bloomberg

China’s Economy a Bigger Worry Than Yuan Value: Samuel Sherraden


The 'Biggest Surprise' From GE's Investor Meeting Should Serve As A Warning To All Investors

The 'Biggest Surprise' From GE's Investor Meeting Should Serve As A Warning To All Investors

A Brief History Of Goldman Sachs, The Most Hated Bank In The World

Into The Belly Of The Beast (Part I - How Goldman Sachs Became The Most Hated Bank On Earth) | Economy Watch

Legal skull-duggery in Greece may doom Portugal

Legal skull-duggery in Greece may doom Portugal - Telegraph