I realize many aren't fans of zerohedge, but you're really letting the Fed off the hook pretty easy here and they should be the focal point. Seems to me that virtually no one audits them and everything they do is behind an iron curtain. And it's no secret that their policies are having a negative impact on an awful lot of people. With all of the corruption that's been exposed at the highest levels over the past few years I'd like to think folks are getting smarter about how we're all being taken advantage of. It's much more in the open now and they don't care. After all, what are we going to do about it, right?
I'm not looking for an argument by any means, but I'm certainly tired of getting the short end of the stick by those who would lord over us. The Federal Reserve is a banking cartel with tentacles all over the world. It's "Federal" in name only, and that's to make them sound official. A wolf in sheep's clothing. Funny how well this country got along without them for all those years leading up to their establishment in 1913.
In any event, these articles are really more thought provoking than anything else. None of this stands up by itself. We have to connect the dots, and that's much harder than it sounds.
Well said. And if the subject of the Fed truly interests some of you I'd highly recommend Too Big To Fail and The Big Short. Some of you probably have already. Both are very good reads regardless of one's political affiliation.