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thats hilarious, James. for those of us who remember. might have to get one-easier on the thumbs. :cheesy:

A while back we came across a model 500 AT&T phone, ya know rotary dial type. The property manager/recycle guy didn't want it so it disappeared. Rumor has it that it ended up at someones home and had a modular plug installed. It still works so I guess the baby bells PBXs still understand rotary dial pulses. The two tweenage boys thought it was neater than anything and had to call up all their friends to tell them about the new phone. They had a little trouble dialing those 10 digit numbers.

Funny how a skill us oldsters take for granted could have such a steep learning curve to youngsters who never used it before.
Ahhh- Jim, when the film first started my thoughts were `could any of today's pilots fly this without at least a minimal of instruction?' But as the film continued on its tour around the cockpit, to the navigator's post and past, my mind's picture went to the pilots and the crew that operated those B-29s, and the fellows they transported.... I want to cry....
-and that is not about romanticizing them, it is about the history of it all.....
thank you ...