TSP Elite
Based on sentiment studies, I have continued to be bullish on the markets. (I've also been fairly successful at getting out at the right times.) Three things concern the bull in me right now: 1) extremely low volume on this ride up from the March lows: 2) AAII sentiment is incredibly high (the number of bearish investors is at a point that has often immediately preceded a drop); and 3) the VIX is dropping into an area that has often marked intermediate highs for the indexes (this shows a great deal of complacency).$VIX&p=D&yr=0&mn=8&dy=0&id=p33737730460
Any thoughts?
Unfortunately I'm more a gut instinct individual, yet on the whole that has done me very well. My gut feels like we should have one more decent drop - but looking at the 4 or 5 year charts - that should take us to the bottom. We do not need to go very low to have achieved close to a 20% drop THERE IS NO WAY I SEE US GOING BELOW THAT. On the whole I see a lot of consolidation going on at this moment but the TRILLION DOLLARS that's going to move the Markets to a sustained BULL are probably waiting for the last drop. That's how I'm guaging my TSP for now.