Since I’ve become intrigued by this “Technical Analysis” thing and the associated verbiage that gets thrown around here, I bought a book this weekend: “Technical Analysis for Dummies”.
(I admitted to being a Dummy long ago with my purchase of “Guitar for Dummies”, so it no longer hurts to buy the funky yellow-and-black books. Mutual Funds, Wine, Coin Collecting…I’ve got a *bleeping* Dummy library.)
I haven’t read much beyond the introduction and basic discussion of what Technical Analysis is, so I don’t have a full book report for you. That may follow.
Also, I’m really not planning to spend hours per day charting stocks and markets, looking for trends, and earning my Technical Analysis merit badge. That isn’t how I want to spend my free time! My goal is just to understand the concepts so that I know when one of you guys has something profound to report….or alternately, determine if I really believe there is anything to technical analysis at all. The book appears to have what I’m looking for: The basic tools and lingo, along with some discussion of methodology. The author is obviously a proponent, but one would expect that!
I have been encouraged so far that the author tends to pooh-pooh some of the more mystical theories. Some may recall my outburst a week or so ago where I tried to make a case for market movement NOT being magically connected to the movement of the cosmos.
I’m open to the possibility that there’s useful information in all of that data…I just don’t believe anything is destined to occur based on a random shape of a plot. I’m just an annoying skeptic like that.
I may find more to like, and even believe, than I expected. A full report will follow if there are other self-admitted Dummies who are interested.
(I admitted to being a Dummy long ago with my purchase of “Guitar for Dummies”, so it no longer hurts to buy the funky yellow-and-black books. Mutual Funds, Wine, Coin Collecting…I’ve got a *bleeping* Dummy library.)

I haven’t read much beyond the introduction and basic discussion of what Technical Analysis is, so I don’t have a full book report for you. That may follow.
Also, I’m really not planning to spend hours per day charting stocks and markets, looking for trends, and earning my Technical Analysis merit badge. That isn’t how I want to spend my free time! My goal is just to understand the concepts so that I know when one of you guys has something profound to report….or alternately, determine if I really believe there is anything to technical analysis at all. The book appears to have what I’m looking for: The basic tools and lingo, along with some discussion of methodology. The author is obviously a proponent, but one would expect that!
I have been encouraged so far that the author tends to pooh-pooh some of the more mystical theories. Some may recall my outburst a week or so ago where I tried to make a case for market movement NOT being magically connected to the movement of the cosmos.

I may find more to like, and even believe, than I expected. A full report will follow if there are other self-admitted Dummies who are interested.