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Looks like a good decision. Things don't feel too good to me. My gut says the summer swoon has begun. I don't know how long it will take but we will probably test the 200dma. It things play out like I think then we will have some opportunity for short tem trades but the tide won't turn until October or so. Even if that happens we would still be in a long term bull market.
I will probably take a shot if we get an RSI down to 20. The ways its going that could be soon. Once the door is open and folks start leaving in a panic others will follow. People will want to keep their profits. I think its an inflection point with infinite QE ending on the table. The market will have to get used to the idea. But it also means things are getting better? I don't know but in my extended family things are bad. Several out of work with few prospects. States are cutting off unemployment benefits. Lots of health issues, divorce and money problems. So far it the summer of discontent. Hope that doesn't portend anything about the stock market.
Keep us updated on your system.