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Polish up that crystal ball and tell us if we are heading into a substantial pullback.
Hahaha. I haven't gotten it out for a while. It's gotten dusty.
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Polish up that crystal ball and tell us if we are heading into a substantial pullback.
I'm getting antsy to buy. If we get a big drop tomorrow I plan on buying. Sentiment is low, F fund is close to overbought, and stocks are right around their moving averages. RSIs are not quite low enough but this would be a good place for a bounce. Can't wait to see how it plays out.Things are getting interesting. We are finally at a place where I am interested in buying. It's not unusual for moving averages to get broken and recover soon after. I still have mixed signals in that S and I funds aren't in bull market rules yet. Sentiment is also giving way a little.
For now I am just watching with interest and looking for a good place to buy. If we could get a sell off enough to get RSI down to 30, well then we're talking.
I'm getting antsy to buy. If we get a big drop tomorrow I plan on buying. Sentiment is low, F fund is close to overbought, and stocks are right around their moving averages. RSIs are not quite low enough but this would be a good place for a bounce. Can't wait to see how it plays out.
Well, not enough of a reaction so far to get me really excited to buy. I was hoping for more of a decline. I guess it will just have to continue this slow decline until we get to my buy zone. That may take a while to play out.
On a side note, I will be taking my summer road trip starting the 25th. Driving from East Tenn to Seattle and then south to San Diego. Thats where my oldest son lives now. We plan on taking a month for the whole thing. Last year we took the southern route. Stops planned include: Nashville, Kansas City, Badlands, Mt Rushmore, Yellowstone, Spokane, Seattle, Portland, San Fran and Yosemite areas, perhaps Universal studios in L.A to see the Harry Potter park (My son loves Harry Potter) and then a week in San Diego. On the way back we'll go to the Grand Canyon, Santa Fe, and back through Nashville (My sister lives there). It was interesting seeing all the land out west last year. Lots of huge empty open spaces (kinda eery and unnerving sometimes) and desert like areas. Much different than where I live and my first trip past Oklahoma City.
Also, my youngest son (26 yrs) and his girlfriend are taking a European trip and working on organic farms for 3 months this summer. They are using the WWOOF program. Mostly France and Italy and visiting other places in between. I'm a little nervous about it. But, He has the time and money saved to do it right now and no kids or other responsibilities.Well, not enough of a reaction so far to get me really excited to buy. I was hoping for more of a decline. I guess it will just have to continue this slow decline until we get to my buy zone. That may take a while to play out.
On a side note, I will be taking my summer road trip starting the 25th. Driving from East Tenn to Seattle and then south to San Diego. Thats where my oldest son lives now. We plan on taking a month for the whole thing. Last year we took the southern route. Stops planned include: Nashville, Kansas City, Badlands, Mt Rushmore, Yellowstone, Spokane, Seattle, Portland, San Fran and Yosemite areas, perhaps Universal studios in L.A to see the Harry Potter park (My son loves Harry Potter) and then a week in San Diego. On the way back we'll go to the Grand Canyon, Santa Fe, and back through Nashville (My sister lives there). It was interesting seeing all the land out west last year. Lots of huge empty open spaces (kinda eery and unnerving sometimes) and desert like areas. Much different than where I live and my first trip past Oklahoma City.
Yes, right! I know I wouldn't do it.Ahhhhhhh to be 26 years old and care free again. You know young and dumb and full of (you know what) heehee.
Okay, 50 dma successfully tested and downtrend broken on S&P. 50 dma successfully tested by S fund. Bull market rules are n effect for C fund and S fund soon to follow. There is still lots of resistance for C fund until it breaks out to new all time high. Sentiment is not too high either.Yes, right! I know I wouldn't do it.
On the markets, we still have a down trend going on all the stock indexes and we testing various moving averages. So, I'm still waiting to see how it turns out.
Also, F fund has a sell signal. Divergence on RSI vs price after hitting 70 or more. That also helps stocks.Okay, 50 dma successfully tested and downtrend broken on S&P. 50 dma successfully tested by S fund. Bull market rules are n effect for C fund and S fund soon to follow. There is still lots of resistance for C fund until it breaks out to new all time high. Sentiment is not too high either.
So, I will be buying today. Still thinking on where and how much.
Trade not working out so far. I am watching the moving averages for a sell signal. C fund is in bull market rules so I will stay in at least 50%. That means I would sell my 50% S if it breaks down. It is still in bear market rules. F fund still has sell signal so I hope that means stocks will go up. But it is in bull market rules too. So, really I guess I should be 50%F and 50% C , since I and S are in bear market rules.50% C and 50% S cob
Need to make new all time highs on C fund and stay above 50 dma on both to stay in stocks 100%
If the S fund bounces off the 50 day again, would that be a mini-double bottom? It looks to have a greater velocity down yesterday/today than it did last week...
I think a new lower low from May 6 is the real test but if we can hold the 50 dma that would spur some buying. We may be able to make a run for a new high.
Down every day since I got in! An you say bad timing? Jeez
2039 is the sell stop. That is the low May 6. Almost there
Actually got a sell signal for S fund today. New lower low and below both moving averages and in bear market rules. F fund in bull market rules and so is C fund. 2039 would be a new lower low and a sell signal for C fund. Still an hour to go so we may get there but since we're in bull market rules I will keep 50% there. Looks like 50 % F fund Monday.
Not sure I should sell S fund today. It did have a lower low but only barely and is up more today than it was down Friday. Bottom line is that we don't have a clear picture of what the market wants to do.
OK. Shoulda sold huh? I will follow my my system and sell my S fund. C fund is in bull market but in a downtrend. F fund has divergence on price vs RSI so I won't buy that. I fund is a sell. We still have a week and a half of trading this month. If I sell some then I'm done buying until June!
I wonder if we will have a Friday bump. Then I could sell. It seems on down weeks Friday has a bump. Maybe shorts squaring up for the weekend. So.... When to sell????