charmed855's Account Talk


I think I'll take a break from stocks tomorrow and go 50G, 50F.

By the way, I've been lurking here for a while so I thought I'd finally chime in. Howdy all! :)
Welcome charmed855! I have added your fund allocation to the Weekly Tracker. Please read the rules on posting to your account found in the sticky threads at top of Member's Accounts (no chat) forum.
Nikkei Up

No Yen worries yet.

TOKYO, March 20 (Reuters) - The Nikkei share average rose 0.86 percent on Tuesday with shares in technology companies such as Kyocera Corp. (6971.T: Quote, NEWS , Research) gaining on a softer yen.
The Nikkei <.N225> was up 145.80 points at 17,155.35 as of 0001 GMT. The broad TOPIX index <.TOPX> gained 0.88 percent to 1,708.97.
This is where you enter comments on your allocations:

25% F, 25% C, 25% S, 25% I

Turns out my last two IFT's didn't go through so I've been in 30S 70I since the 19th. Quite fortuitous.

These two IFTs (3/20 and 3/21) are posted in your account thread so they count in our Weekly Tracker. Please post your comments about your transactions in your "account talk" rather than your “account” thread. Please read the rules on posting to your account at TSPTalk. They are found in Sticky threads at the top of “Members' Accounts (no chat)” forum.
Europe tops US in stock market value

Europe tops US in stock market value

By Tony Tassell
Published: April 2 2007 21:48 | Last updated: April 2 2007 21:48

Europe has eclipsed the US in stock market value for the first time since the first world war in another sign of the slipping of the global dominance of American capital markets.
Europe’s 24 stockmarkets, including Russia and emerging Europe, saw their capitalisation rise to $15,720bn (€11,819bn) at the end of last week, according to Thomson Financial data. That exceeded the $15,640bn market value of the US.

The last time Europe eclipsed the US in market capitalisation was likely to have been before the first world war, said Mike Staunton, stock-market historian at London Business School. European shares have outperformed the US, with their market capitalisation rising 160 per cent since the start of 2003 in dollar terms, said Thomson Financial. That compared with a 70.5 per cent rise for the US stock market. Over that time the euro has risen 26 per cent against the dollar.

more at:
Just IFT'ed to 30% C, 35% S, 35% I. I will ride with stocks for another day and hope not to get smacked. I anticipate reducing my exposure on Friday the 13th to avoid some dips and getting back in around the middle of next week.

100% I. It's looking like today may be a down day for I so hopefully we get some bounce back on FrIIIday. 13 has always been lucky for me. :p
Venezuela, Brazil at Odds Over Ethanol

CARACAS, Venezuela - Not long ago, President Hugo Chavez was embarking on ambitious plans to produce ethanol as the eco-fuel of choice. But within the past two months, the biofuel has suddenly become a villain for him and a major point of friction with Brazilian leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

The United States and Brazil are the world's two biggest producers of ethanol _ an alcohol-based fuel made from crops like sugar cane or corn. They signed an "alliance" last month to promote ethanol production in the region and create international quality standards to allow it to be traded as a commodity like oil.
Google Agrees to Buy DoubleClick for $3.1 Billion in Cash

Web advertising leader Google will acquire DoubleClick, a leading online advertising network, for $3.1 billion, consolidating Google's grip on the Internet ad market.
However, Google's acquisition of DoubleClick is not sitting well with Microsoft , AT&T, Time Warner's and several other large Internet and media companies the Wall Street Journal reports. These companies are hoping to encourage antitrust regulators to closely scrutinize the purchase, said executives at the companies.
Getting out of stocks today. S and C are high in their channels and have been close to in-cycle long enough to get me a little nervous. Hoping for another buying opertunity like we had 10 days ago. :blink:
Getting out of stocks today. S and C are high in their channels and have been close to in-cycle long enough to get me a little nervous. Hoping for another buying opertunity like we had 10 days ago. :blink:

Looks like you're in a jam. Now you'll probably go do something equally stupid like getting back into stocks. Big dummy. :suspicious:
Tracking the 6-day SMA of daily fund returns and not seeing much more room to move up. 50/50 G, F for tomorrow.

6 day SMA of daily fund movements (Blue=C, Red=S, Green=I)​
Originally Posted by charmed855
FWIW - on the topic of spotting trends, one tool I use is a plot of the 6 day SMA of daily fund returns. The following is 1 Jan-1 Jun with blue = C, red = S, and green = I. The red zone is a sell indicator and the green is a buy back. Sometimes the results are a little fuzzy, but often the indications are pretty clear.


Nice work. Looks like something out of I have given some thought to a method like yours, but never quite developed it. Looks like you're hitting the highs with the C and S funds, but that I fund is a little unpredictable. Hopefully this will continue to work in the long term for you.
Going 100G for tomorrow. I got burned :mad: the last time I ignored a channel indicator and I'm not convinced today's downward action is the correction we have coming. I'm staying out for another day.