Well I can't say at the moment how far up, but I sure was looking down over two weeks ago.....now we need to see if this things stabilizes or not....the Fed action was a good shot in the arm, but it could promote more inflation even though the money pumping earlier will ease things a bit for a while....still though the money pumping is inflationary.....I suppose its a manner of how u want to handle it......and it affects the situation differently ....more money, more inflation but the personal debt starts to shrink proportionately to income over time.....so it helps personal debt some.
I could assume that my assets with now grow in value again in an inflationary style.....

Bad thing is all you do is keep up with everything else growing in dollar amount thats around you.....never get ahead that'a way......
The real answer to the economy is to drop the high costs of production by way of energy which affects everything, higher commodity prices....transportation, and so on....