Carnac's Corner

Getty up lil doggie, yer heffer is calling ya!;)

How's that Birchy! Ain't nothing like a good round up....!


Carnac, the cowboy!

Green Hue getting stronger color this week.....seems to me we're building up it possible we will have the Wilshire over 800 before End of August?

Come on little one, lets go find yer mama......

Green Hue getting stronger color this week.....seems to me we're building up it possible we will have the Wilshire over 800 before End of August?

Come on little one, lets go find yer mama......

I hope you guys bought tickets to this shindig back on the week of the 8th june.....looks like its gonna be a barn burner....

Lets see, I could add a little hot stuff in this pot, a little that, some more of this...more of that.....a good stir, another chant and spell....and away she will go!

Get them doggies up and tight pardner!

My lord son, you been has grown!

How about this market. Never would have figured it would go like it has the last year.....I should have sought some opinion on the quantitative easing....if I'd known he meant he was printing money like in 1932, I would have bought in! It just means you have to pay more for the same sh!+! Inflations starts there my friends.....and you have to pay more for the stock with cheaper money!

I see several have done well this year. It looks like there is up 3 cycles, down 3 cycles, up 2 so far of late...question is, are they going to go another round up?

This is a thin glass bubble we're in. No Coke cola profits, Wal mart isn't moving much in profits, gas is high and up, taking everything out of the hourly wage mans pocket to stay alive. Seems to me there is too few in oil who control the who shebang! Its called a "Monopoly". Energy has to come down to get this show on the road for recovery, but profits come first until, well you know, no one can afford it.

Alright I said my piece, you boys are doing GOOD!

Come on little pony, time to head home. Get along little doggie!
Well, HELLO my friend nice to here from you. I bet your beard has grown about a foot since you posted last, What does your crystal ball say today, Oh he that knows all? carnac.gif
Looking for a head turn in the mkt coinciding with a drop in oil price. It has to be from a poor economic outlook report, can't figger when with money being printed.