Buster's Account Talk

Originally Posted by PessOptimist
What are the odds on this message board?

So now we get down to it!

What time of day? I do not remember. Early evening I think.

What time zone? EST

Was it some nurses watch or did someone tune in WWV for the occcasion?

Or we could just say "hey cool" and promise to have a cold one for each other every year:laugh: DEAL. I will raise a cold one every year.

Good luck on your planned retirement and hope you get high 3 instead of high 5. That could make a big diff at your percentage. Will not make much difference I am maxed out at my current rate. Cost of living rates that's it.
And just curious (nosey?). Did you even think about converting to FERS? Nope


LOL :laugh: Thanks Pess
I'm guessing the same date:confused: You, me and John Wayne.

Happy birthday Buster. As per nasa's e-mail last year I am toasting us with a Moosehead. My best to you and just enjoy.
Yessssss, follow the herd! We are Bullish for Brthday's!
Buster let it slip, and so did NASA - now, I've got to get over there & see what's going on at that party!:D

Oh, yeah - Happy birthday again, Buster - I hope you are enjoying nnuut's cake- I'm on a diet -

After confirmation of the trend...

Happy (belated) Birthday!
Holy Crash and Burn...

I thought I'd knock some of the dust off my Lily-Pad and look closely at these rock bottom prices..If the market keeps going down, I may be ready for a buy in on C or S for my Post retirement party...

I mean, I still have 4.5 years yet to play this..May get lucky and see a steep rally after BP plugs their well and people start looking towards a positive future again...I really think this whole Gulf disaster is what's weighing people down right now...According to some news last night, BP's relief well is within 16" (inches) of punching through and the well could be killed within the week...

So I'm hoping for the best news on that and will have my IFT buttons loaded and ready to fire off a salvo.

Good luck folks..It's always darkest before the dawn..
Buster, I noted the T-8 earlier today, thought that's what it meant. Congratulations! and yes, the lower it goes, the better the buy-in with those last contributions, what a way to go.
Golly, buster, I knew there was a countdown -
how'd it get here sooo fast?? :rolleyes:

I'll bet you feel that way too !! :D lol
Golly, buster, I knew there was a countdown -
how'd it get here sooo fast?? :rolleyes:

I'll bet you feel that way too !! :D lol
Yeah I know..seemed the last six months dragged, but the last month flew by..Ah well..here we go..
Thanks for all the well wishes and congrats...There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it ain't a train....:nuts:

Received a call a half hour ago..Gotta take a drug screen exam next week for the new job..so..no partying yet:notrust:
Time flies, you'll love it, although you will still be working for a contractor, you'll be out of the Gov't mess!
Thank you all my friends and even the ones that aren't and wish they were...:D
few and far between :)

Lady..where in the hell did you find that cake?...Awesome Baby:)

Today marks my official GAF day and makes me eligible for retirement with 37 years:nuts:
Congrats on all,
Think over retire before you go! Once gone, you're gone,
You may get back in, but not from where you left? Good luck, god bless.
Congrats on all,
Think over retire before you go! Once gone, you're gone,
You may get back in, but not from where you left? Good luck, god bless.
Done deal..
Thanks Danny..37 years? I'd be making a $1.10/hour to come in any longer..I could make more money now retired and working as a Wal-Mart greeter..

As it is, in case you haven't followed my posts here and on other threads..I'm going back to work full time for a contractor for about 4-5 more years tops, at the same pay I retired at..so ironicly..I have to retire to double my income...;)