burrocrat's Account Talk

Well go ahead then, steal my identity or post the pics, you'll get what you deserve.

Either way, whenever I tell someone my credit score or take off my clothes, I get the same reaction.

That's a tough road you're about to, ho.

roflmao, thanks for the levity !!
Ouch, getting my hat handed to me in the C fund, again.

I still believe it's going to pay off, c'mon honey, one time.
I see your substancially increasing your exposure, should be a fun ride!

yeah buddy.

Does anybody really believe we won't pay our bills or find a way to get more red ink delivered?

Credit downgrade? pshaaw. There can't be that many sheep left out there with wool over their eyes, really? And it's just starting to frighten them now? hah! It's been worth nothing but 'faith and credit' for almost a century, and folks is just starting to see? bullshit, most of us aren't that dumb.

Unlike 2008 when anybody could have seen it coming but few believed, this time around it's been telegraphed so wide it's hard to ignore. So who's driving it this time? And where do they want it to go?

Of course US currency don't look good, but it's hotter than the rest, if you think that's safety then you got another think coming. Commodities (food and building blocks) and Equities (personal ownership) is where it's at, duh. Short term might get jerked around, but long term it's the only way to go.

If you are a sentiment trader then the present is a present, load up buttercup. If not, sorry for you.
Now's a good time as any to get those bills under control and those low interest rates locked in...
I think I'm going to sign up for the Birchtree plan:

Put it all in, Leave it all in, and Buy more while I'm at it. For the next 2 years. Set it and forget it.

Either the ship gets righted and I'm doing much better, or it's all worth nothing and it wouldn't have mattered what I did anyways.

What should I do with all my extra time now?
It's always darkest before the dawn. It was dark out there - real dark. And yet, we should have all bought more. The future is now for the bold and assertive. Nothing screaming look out for a dollar rally. I'm staying with the I fund for now.
The sky is falling? My behind.

Dam bird had it all wrong, it's the ground that's coming up fast.

Time to pick your bottom, this going out of business sale ain't gonna last for ever.
wheeee! This Birchtrain gets going pretty fast!

I noticed it's not near as much fun just watching, more satisfying maybe, but nowhere near as exciting unless you have some skin in the game.

C'mon show us what you got, it's like 2008 all over again except without that uncertain feeling of impending doom, doom is already past us so what could be next?

(Just trying to talk in the crash so we can get it behind us).