Bullitt's Account Talk

Actually, if rising oil prices were counter-inflationary, because they cause a sluggish economy, Saudi Arabia's economy, with controlled low pricing, would be in great shape right now. Ditto for the other countries with price controls on oil. Inflation will creep in from oil-using sectors into countries with controlled oil pricing, unless they move on to plastics, fertilizers and other petroleum products.

I would argue that high oil prices cause inflation and economies moving away from oil - if they can, and the economy will only go sluggish if it is stuck. The U.S., in spite of its innovative past, has certain financial problems right now which make it difficult not to get stuck - and from all appearances so far the rising oil prices aren't bringing down inflation.

And Birch, I don't mind staying in the war IF we pay for it with real money and not supplemental budget credit card tricks that our current warriors will eventually have to pay for.
The lousy Iranian Mullahs have been responsible for perhaps hundreds of American soldiers deaths by supplying arms to the Shiite militia - there will be a pay back at some point. Remember during the Clinton sad days when idiot Madeline Albright paid homage and offered contrition and penance to the Mullahs - that won't happen with McCain. Our appeasement candidate would try offering up the same foolishness. Nothing will work accept violence and they shall receive their share when the time is right.

Birch - we should probably start another Thread for this (sorry Bullitt).

I tell you what Birch if you really want the real truth - and not the US Media bull**** then I'm more than willing to come forward. I can bring out all the Evidence on Iran. The evidence I have will clearly show how England and the US have largely dominated all Iranian Oil over the years - and left the Iranians with essentially nothing. I can show how the CIA sparked revolutions were aimed at taking control of Iran's Oil. I can also show in recent history how the US aggressively waged war against Iran and continued bombing them over the years to demonstate their "Super Power" status.

Birch I am as 100% American blooded as you - and fully totally 100% soldier to the bone core - BUT A LOT OF WHAT YOU BELEIVE is based on American Media and Political Bull**** and the real facts will bare all that out.
My take on Bob's line was that unless there's some kind of world economic boom going on that we don't know about, the arguement for high oil prices doesn't have a leg to stand on. It's hard to believe in the Peak Oil Theory when drilling technology continues to improve at a frantic pace and the US has yet to tap the coasts of Florida and Alaska. When is the coast of Cuba going to be tapped? Hey, maybe we'll even develop a more efficient way to tap the Oil Sands right here in the mid West.

How long until fresh H2O trades on the futures market? Some day, and it might not be in our lifetimes, there's going to be a war over the Great Lakes.

Steady, it's all good. In fact, I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say.
How long until fresh H2O trades on the futures market? Some day, and it might not be in our lifetimes, there's going to be a war over the Great Lakes.
The next great world war will be over fresh water. It's already going on here in the USA (has been in the west for years, more recently in GA/AL/FL), just in case you haven't noticed.
Some day there's going to be a war over the Great Lakes.
The next great world war will be over fresh water. It's already going on here in the USA.

You touch on a subject that is very dear to my heart. My well goes 240 feet down to one of the purest rivers on Earth. The Battle for Fresh Water has been ongoing for years. The great lakes are relatively close to me and the importance of protecting them and preserving them should be a top priority. Unfortunately humanity has largely destroyed everything and there is nothing we will be able to do (with the residing powers) to stop it.

Ethonol Plants will use up Millions of gallons of fresh water a day - and leave a contaminated mess. They will tap into my aquafer (and the others) - which will make fresh water harder to find.

Interestingly - the Bush Administration spent Millions on the most extensive research relating to Global Warming and It's Consequences. Once the data was collected and everything was polished - published and ready to go. President Bush ordered everything to be "sealed" and "it was ordered to be silenced". PBS had an excellent program about this.

Anyway - Luv2read - it's a very hard thing for me to see our fresh water supplies disappearing. The earth is very much like the human body - in that you have to lose about 80% of your liver (and many other organ systems before you really feel the bad symptoms). Once the symptoms are present - it's essentially too late. So it is with our Earth - and preserving our Planet and taking care of it was the main role God gave in the very beginning.
Some day there's going to be a war over the Great Lakes.

You touch on a subject that is very dear to my heart. My well goes 240 feet down to one of the purest rivers on Earth. The Battle for Fresh Water has been ongoing for years. The great lakes are relatively close to me and the importance of protecting them and preserving them should be a top priority. Unfortunately humanity has largely destroyed everything and there is nothing we will be able to do (with the residing powers) to stop it.

Anyway - Luv2read - it's a very hard thing for me to see our fresh water supplies disappearing. The earth is very much like the human body - in that you have to lose about 80% of your liver (and many other organ systems before you really feel the bad symptoms). Once the symptoms are present - it's essentially too late. So it is with our Earth - and preserving our Planet and taking care of it was the main role God gave in the very beginning.

I couldn't agree more. One of the best commercials ever made was in 1979 with Iron Eyes Cody paddling along the devastated shores of his country with a tear trickling down his cheek. And that was YEARS ago - things have only gotten worse. We have been very poor stewards of this home that God entrusted to us.
... The great lakes are relatively close to me and the importance of protecting them and preserving them should be a top priority. Unfortunately humanity has largely destroyed everything and there is nothing we will be able to do (with the residing powers) to stop it.

Interestingly enough, we are in better shape than we were in the '70s when this new religion started. I went to to visit my folks in Oshkosh in 2004 and while there went to watch the the PGA Championship at Whistling Straits. Holy S**t!!! That was my experience as I walked over the last dune to stand next to #3 (I think it was) T box. Here was Lake Michigan which from all I have read in the press and magazines was a cesspool (according to the accolytes). It looked just like the Carribean!!! Cyrstal blue and you could see the bottom from where I stood!

Are there still some problems---sure. You can't fix things that quickly. It's just like taking off weight & cleaning out your arteries. If you want to lose weight you do it slowly just like you put it on.

Interestingly - the Bush Administration spent Millions on the most extensive research relating to Global Warming and It's Consequences. Once the data was collected and everything was polished - published and ready to go. President Bush ordered everything to be "sealed" and "it was ordered to be silenced". PBS had an excellent program about this.

I wouldn't take PBS as the Gospel --- they have an agenda.

There is a reason the High Priests changed the dogma from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change"; temperature hasn't really tracked (correllated) well with CO2. In the past (lookiing at long time periods as you really should when it comes to climate) it has tracked but not the way the accolytes would wish it to. CO2 actually rises in response to temperature rise and not vice-versa. Also CO2 response lags temperature by a couple hundred years.

It looked like it tracked on algore's chart because they cheated. The timeframes aren't the same on the two lines of data.

Bottomline: There is no data that establishes that our burning fossil fuels has heated up the planet. There is evidence that land use changes have changed temperatures but that is more regional rather than global.

The main swings in temperature, so far, are from processes we don't fully understand yet.

... So it is with our Earth - and preserving our Planet and taking care of it was the main role God gave in the very beginning.

Amen Brother Steady. I'm all for that. I have asthma and am all for clean air, water, along with the smart use of land.

Just don't call CO2 a pollutant and come up with some crazy cap & trade scheme that is going to hurt the people that can least afford it.

Sorry for being off topic but this is a hot button for me.

Some good points made by everyone. There are two sides to the story of global warming, etc, but it's too bad that each side has it's own agenda. I've read the arguments against global warming from the likes of Michael Crichton and I've also read the other side from the Al Gores. I just have a problem with people who feel extreme in one way or the other. For every buyer, there's a seller. What I've come to after reading everything I possibly can on the global warming...

1. Nobody has a clue as to how much is left on Earth.
2. We had 2 days over 75 degrees in my neck of the woods in mid April. It hasn't been over 65 since, but at the time, the doom and gloomers were claiming those days were a result of global warming.
3. Man can survive without oil but not without water.
4. Man's existence on Earth is merely equivalent to the blink of an eye in a lifetime.
5. We've unfortunately been swayed by political agenda's in both sides of the arguements in Global Warming, Peak Oil, Ethanol/Commodity production.
6. We have no idea how to preserve what we refer to as 'Wildlife'.

Something tells me that 100 years from now, we'll still going to be dependent on Oil but somebody, maybe Russia or China, is going to drill the hell out of the north pole and strike the big one. Certain politicians want to bash big oil, but I'm pretty sure that whatever kind of investments they own in 401K's, etc., have large chunks in XOM, COP, HAL and such.

Again, some good points and I'd like to continue reading what others have to say, but I think this topic needs it's own thread for obvious reasons.
6. We have no idea how to preserve what we refer to as 'Wildlife'.

Oh come on! We know exactly how to preserve wildlife. You preserve it's habitat. But now that is a huge issue isn't it? It doesn't appear that we humans have the guts to address it. Just remember that, like it or not, whatever happens to "wildlife's" habitat is going to have an effect on us too. I think we actually do have stewardship over this planet, and that comes with great responsibilites.:worried::(:mad: Ok, ok, I'm done. This isn't the place for this. Sorry.
Some of the Market Timers I follow moved to sell signals right around that 13K level of the Dow. Seeing that most of those guys are focused on the quarter to quarter returns, I wasn't surprised when they got out with their gains.

Either this drop is the pullback intended for the rest of the bunch to climb on at support levels, or it's an actual drop. I might buy a few things in my other accounts when we challenge the lows, but until then, I'm hanging out. I won't be surprised to see a trading range develop as earnings season opens up. My style wouldn't mind that. As long as we can hold those lows while waiting for the drop in Oil, we'll be okay. As for the rally we witnessed, it now seems it was largely based on the false hopes of Tech, Financials, Home Builders. When you think about it though, if the market is always forward looking, aren't all earnings basically based on hope?

I have a hard time believing that the Oil Bubble is based on supply and demand and China/India. Last I checked China's market is still down like 40%, so why is Oil rising as their house of cards falls is falling? I still believe that we're witnessing a historic bubble in Oil. People said wheat was going to the moon and it has fallen ever since the Myanmar ordeal. Maybe some other members remember better than I do, but in 2000, weren't there a few maniacs who claimed the tech run was due to the 'new world economy' and wasn't a bubble? Oil and commodities are always cyclical, I have a hard time believing that it's different this time. Anyone buying any commodity at this time has fallen for that good old Wall Street bait and switch trap in which they are so good at.

Staying the course and taking an even lazier approach to 401k investing than ever before with the DCA on autopilot and less time spent carousing the investing blogs. The weather's been too nice lately and I'm on pace to log at least 1K workout miles on the road bike this summer. I guess you can say my investment approach is more like that T Rowe Price commercial with the Road Racers who eat up that guy who decided to break away. Still steering clear of CNBS but reading my short list of timers when they publish for their buy signals. If we make a run at the lows, I just might weight 5-10% more into the S fund.

We shall see.
Why not! I bought UYG again in one of my longer-term accounts. That's about a week these days..... HA...... 500 shares @ 27.31. The last time I sold-em in this account they were @ 33.51. No stops on this buy. My Scottrade accounts are another story.

Are you buying anything these days are still waiting for cheaper prices?

We are working off the overbought conditions nicely. Yeah, I know, I could get-em cheaper Monday or even later today, but I’m already getting an 18% discount from the last time.

My thinking is we could get another oversold bounce again, but could head lower first. No Voodoo charts to support this position. I leave that to the TA’s…. See what happens when I stop by Birchtree’s thread. I bought stocks for an investment. OH BOY, not what I usually do in markets like this crazy one….

I hate to buy stocks as an investment without a buy from Henry, but this a small position and everybody hates-em and that's when I like-em. Yeah, I voted for him twice....

Later! - Take Care and I hope you have a nice weekend my friend...

My wife loves her new Acura TL. It had 1 mile on it when we bought it. They ticked me off at that place. My wife loved it so I told her I would make an offer, but I doubt if they would take it. SShit, they did...........HA...

Oh, I feel better knowing Bush is going to talk. He talks like I spell and write, poorly, but I'm not the President and he is.
Well Robo, I guess today confirms that Oil is the new safe haven. Oh no, we're in a recession, buy commodities.

CNBS, what a gaggle. Funny thing in that video... this D---head at work is always bragging to me about this one particular Oil stock that's gone to the moon for him. He doesn't even know what a PE ratio is, but I now see where he got that stock tip from.

As for my buying.... No buying besides a DCA I've got going in another account that actually is an investing account. I've been tempted to buy this one particular infrastructure ETF, but it's run away from me. I have a feeling I'll get it back when it drops 5% or so. We've been in a trading range since early March so I have to agree it's a day traders market.

Leaving the Voodoo to the voodoo listeners and probably watching the same things you are. My Japan plays have been working out pretty good for me ever since the Yen topped in early March. The Currency Market, now that's a voodoo chart trader's playground

Won't be internetting this weekend, for, I'll be in the woods... literally. Later brotherman.
Bad timing for this guy.
No kidding. Commercial traders got destroyed on their hedging bets but he thought he could do it... I always wonder why he continues to watch CNBC if he hates it that bad. Just turn it off!

Hind sight is always 20/20 and the Market is the greatest humiliator of them all.
Well Robo, I guess today confirms that Oil is the new safe haven. Oh no, we're in a recession, buy commodities.

CNBS, what a gaggle. Funny thing in that video... this D---head at work is always bragging to me about this one particular Oil stock that's gone to the moon for him. He doesn't even know what a PE ratio is, but I now see where he got that stock tip from.

As for my buying.... No buying besides a DCA I've got going in another account that actually is an investing account. I've been tempted to buy this one particular infrastructure ETF, but it's run away from me. I have a feeling I'll get it back when it drops 5% or so. We've been in a trading range since early March so I have to agree it's a day traders market.

Leaving the Voodoo to the voodoo listeners and probably watching the same things you are. My Japan plays have been working out pretty good for me ever since the Yen topped in early March. The Currency Market, now that's a voodoo chart trader's playground

Won't be internetting this weekend, for, I'll be in the woods... literally. Later brotherman.

Enjoy my friend! Getting close to Henry's 12,000 point.

Take Care and be Safe in the woods. Look out for them Big Bad Bears. LOL....

My UYG buy @ 27.31 isn't looking to good, but I'm going to let this one ride awile.

I was a bad boy today! Lucky it was in my wife's account,LOL.... I will have to tell her when she gets home. Those darn UYG and SKF. Yes, I am a day trader lately. However, no more.....

I'm taking the first option and will be careful going forward.

Option 1 - You can simply reduce the number of trades you do and adhere to the three-business day settlement date.

Let's hope clues is correct my friend and Bob still has a buy on at these prices... Low 1300's...

Take care!


Date: 6/11/2008

Re: Account XXXXXXXX

Dear MRS. Robo ROTH IRA,

We are writing you in regards to your cash account and wish to inform you of changes in your account that will affect when sales proceeds are available for additional purchases. Please read this letter carefully. How you handle your account going forward will determine how often and when you will be able to enter purchase orders.

Interpretations of Federal Reserve Regulation T, which govern how trades are paid for, state funds from liquidations in cash accounts will not be available to pay for purchases until the settlement date of the sell. Unsettled funds can be used to purchase securities as long as the new purchase is not sold prior to settlement date of the funding sale. If you hold your new purchase until settlement date of the funding sale, this is not considered to be a freeride since the purchase has been paid for with the original unsettled proceeds. If you sell your new purchase prior to the settlement date of the funding sale, your account will be noted with a freeride.

This notice has been sent to you because a freeride has occurred in your account.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, however, it's a Federal Reserve Requirement, which governs your account and requires us to make this change.

You have several options available to you at this time. You can simply reduce the number of trades you do and adhere to the three-business day settlement date. You can provide additional cash to the account to support your desired trading activity. Finally, you can sign a margin agreement which will allow you to trade without the 3 business day hold on sales proceeds. However, a consideration with signing a margin agreement would be the requirement by industry regulations, that if you do 4 roundtrips (a buy and a sell in the same security) in a five day period you will be considered a pattern day trader and will be required to maintain $25,000 minimum equity in the account. There could also be interest charges that would apply on any debit balances past settlement date.

Please note that margin trading is not allowed for Retirement and Custodial accounts. Internal Revenue Service rules limits the amount of contributions for Retirement accounts, which may restrict the amount of cash you can deposit into your account.

We ask that you please make an immediate adjustment to your trading patterns since we may be required to place future restrictions on your account.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. For additional information, you can refer to the Message Center and Frequently Asked Questions found on our website. Please contact your local branch office at xxx-xxx-xxxx if you have questions regarding this notice.

Scottrade, Inc.
Sounds like a good time to lay low. What's the worse they can do to you, turn you into an investor! Besides, we're right on the brink of a few buy signals...