I thought after you have already made 2 trades in a month the fraction moves didn't count as trades and you could round up or rebalance. I was thinking now that they tossed in the new Lfunds you could actually drop 1% in each give you 14% invested and 86% in the G. If all those funds even moved up a fraction you could then round all of them up to 2% each thereby giving you a total of 28% invested. If the they rose again you could do the same rounding to 3% and be 42% invested. Within a couple weeks (If all the funds increased) you could be almost back to 100% invested. True some of the L funds are already toward the safer end and you may not make much but the new ones such as 2045, 2055, 2060 and 2065 seem to be fully invested so in a way you are investing in the C, S, and I. They have little to no G and F. Before they created those additional funds we were limited but now they are offered, it seems logical that you could use them along with the C, S, I, to your advantage should you be using your last trade of the month and want to leave the option to keep investing. Hopefully that makes sense. Thoughts?