Bquat's Account Talk

I followed your move into the market, 40%. I thought I sold yesterday, but did not complete the process. Hopefully we can continue higher.

Was out of pocket this morning. Well so much for a new Longterm. Went back to the old Longterm Channel. I guess Yellen's comment popped us above the Midterm Channel::notrust:
Gap is filled by news based action.:suspicious: I am locking in my gains (100G) trying to avoid Holiday trend reversal. We are still embedded but now there's no gap needed to be filled. Usually there's a drift up with lower volume but I think all traders are confident in remote trading. This is not a Spidey sense move but who knows? I just felt a sense to exit personally: :cool:


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I followed your move into the market, 40%. I thought I sold yesterday, but did not complete the process. Hopefully we can continue higher.
I was thinking of an exit yesterday also but I was at the dentist so I did it first thing this morning to avoid the internet lag.
Well here's my exit. Trying to redraw a Midterm channel that would include the last two days I couldn't get the bottom of the channel to line up when including the red candle. I came up with a rising wedge. Just my guess::worried:


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Well here's my exit. Trying to redraw a Midterm channel that would include the last two days I couldn't get the bottom of the channel to line up when including the red candle. I came up with a rising wedge. Just my guess::worried:
Well I can get the Midterm channel to line up with using Tommy's channel and my rising wedge combo. So did I get out for the three day holiday trend reversal::cool:


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Well here's my exit. Trying to redraw a Midterm channel that would include the last two days I couldn't get the bottom of the channel to line up when including the red candle. I came up with a rising wedge. Just my guess::worried:
I'm ok.:cheesy: I can remove my rising wedge shortly because it did turn out to be bearish. We have a 60/40 chance of unembedding today to the downside with this weakness. Not looking for a buy in as of yet. Staying 100 G Fund:


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Added a temp short term channel to double check the downward rate of decent::blink:


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Was out of pocket this morning. We did unembed yesterday but just below re-embedding today. Here is my short term change. Topping Doji? Not thing of buying at all::suspicious:


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We are re-embedded. Is this a sideways consolidation or a flat top developing. I don't know but not testing the moving averages before moving up can be something to keep an eye on. Too close to the top of the rectangle for me to chase but you never know for sure what news based markets will do::suspicious:


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No move for me yet while we are so close to the top of the rectangle. Finally showing some weakness::blink:


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Are we there yet? At the top of the Midterm channel and almost at the top of the of the Longterm Rectangle. Still embedded and moving higher. Is a breakout or a triple top coming::suspicious:


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Top of the Midterm channel seems to be holding. Is the weakness starting to show up as we reach the top of the rectangle::blink:


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Top of the Midterm channel seems to be holding. Is the weakness starting to show up as we reach the top of the rectangle::blink:
Weaker day and we are slightly unembedded and can re-embed tomorrow. The worst of it is we closed at the low today which is a big change in the market character::worried:


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Weaker day and we are slightly unembedded and can re-embed tomorrow. The worst of it is we closed at the low today which is a big change in the market character::worried:
Remember we need to get back up above the red line to re-embed. I think around +0.25::worried:


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Bquat, I know you have been here for awhile so I wanted to pick your brain. What is the best strategy when you run out of trades for the month. Is it best to leave a little in some funds on your last trade so you have the option to level up at least a little through out the rest of the month. I'm kind of finding myself that way today. I want to be safe for now but also want the option to do something even if it is little moves should the market rise. I dropped 1% in every fund and the rest the the G hoping I can make level up moves as needed. Anyway has there been any strategy talked about on here that you know of.
There has been some that have used the round up or down multiple times doing less than 1 percent trades. I don't think anyone does this anymore. It is very intense work for little gains. I think some did it because they could on just principle. Might check site for daily interfund transfers. Check with a moderator like Nnutt or Tom.
I thought that 'they' started counting the fractional, less that one percent, moves against the two moves per month. Previously, we could make as many less than one percent moves as a person wanted.

There has been some that have used the round up or down multiple times doing less than 1 percent trades. I don't think anyone does this anymore. It is very intense work for little gains. I think some did it because they could on just principle. Might check site for daily interfund transfers. Check with a moderator like Nnutt or Tom.
I thought after you have already made 2 trades in a month the fraction moves didn't count as trades and you could round up or rebalance. I was thinking now that they tossed in the new Lfunds you could actually drop 1% in each give you 14% invested and 86% in the G. If all those funds even moved up a fraction you could then round all of them up to 2% each thereby giving you a total of 28% invested. If the they rose again you could do the same rounding to 3% and be 42% invested. Within a couple weeks (If all the funds increased) you could be almost back to 100% invested. True some of the L funds are already toward the safer end and you may not make much but the new ones such as 2045, 2055, 2060 and 2065 seem to be fully invested so in a way you are investing in the C, S, and I. They have little to no G and F. Before they created those additional funds we were limited but now they are offered, it seems logical that you could use them along with the C, S, I, to your advantage should you be using your last trade of the month and want to leave the option to keep investing. Hopefully that makes sense. Thoughts?