Board Slow Near Deadline

Re: Any Problems with New Version?

This site seems to be back to running slow between 11:45 - 12:00pm EST.
Uh, oh! Was this just today or has it been a pattern? I'll try to keep an eye on it. If the dedicated server we moved to last year is getting bogged down, that is not good. If I need a bigger /faster machine, you'll be seeing more and more ads to pay for a new server. :eek: :D
Re: Any Problems with New Version?

Tom the site has been slow for the last few weeks around the 12pm time frame. For me is started right after the article that spoke of your site.
Re: Any Problems with New Version?

OK, thanks. I'll start pricing an upgrade or new server.
Re: Any Problems with New Version?

Do they have such a thing as a 15 minute turbo boost or something? Only need it from 11:45 to 12:00.. :p
Re: Any Problems with New Version?

No joke. A pinch hit server at 11 AM ET each day would be nice. :)

Re: Any Problems with New Version?

Did anybody notice any difference Friday during that peak hour? Any faster?
Re: Any Problems with New Version?

Tom, I was on between 1100-1200 EST and had no problems.
Re: Any Problems with New Version?

I didn't notice any problems, but at work we always slow down between 11:00 and 13:00!:o
Re: Any Problems with New Version?

Thanks. Good sign. The hosting company said they made an adjustment that may help. Traffic on Fridays is about 20% less than Mon - Thu, and Sat and Sun is very light, so we'll have to wait until Monday to get a good indication if the adjustment helped.
Re: Any Problems with New Version?

Thanks. Good sign. The hosting company said they made an adjustment that may help. Traffic on Fridays is about 20% less than Mon - Thu, and Sat and Sun is very light, so we'll have to wait until Monday to get a good indication if the adjustment helped.

Monday a.m. verrrry sloooow. Sorry Tom the improvements made it worse. I had better response from home on dial up. Page still loading as I am typing....oh... here come the whole page slooowly.
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Re: Any Problems with New Version?

Thanks. What type of connection are you on now? My connection is actually moving along pretty good right now but we're not near the peak hour yet.

Are you seeing partial pages when the page loads slowly, or is it just not coming up at all, then finally all at once? The former sounds would probably be an internet connection problem, where the latter would be the server.

Thanks again for the feedback!
Re: Any Problems with New Version?

Another thing, the dial up services no doubt will be bogged down by all the images that are used in the posts here. I may have to to something about that as well.