Board Slow Near Deadline

Thanks. Hopefully they saw the delay themsleves.

I think we determined email delays were not our server's problem but rather Yahoo, AOL, or other ISP's??

I received the subscription email for your post almost immediately...

----- Original Message ----- From: "TSP Talk Forums" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 3:57 PM (that's mountain time)
Subject: Reply to post 'Board Slow Near Deadline'
> Dear tsptalk,
> Fivetears has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Board Slow Near Deadline - in the Report Problems forum of TSP Talk Forums.
But Tom, that's your server telling your PC a post has been made. It should be pretty fast if they are in the same place; if not one in the same entity. :blink: :)
Doing better today at 5 to 10 minutes to noon getting 12 to 15 seconds per click!:D
it took me right at 3 minutes to log in and get move posted....I think there were about 300 people on.....

i had no problen it took about 45 sec. to let of my move plus tsp talk i have hughes satillite--it was slower but i can't complain
11:58 AM ET, 205 people online and the site is moving very well for me.
Anyone have any problems today?
I noticed the site was much faster today in the final 5 minutes before the deadline. Anything different? Is everyone just getting there IFTs posted a little bit earlier to avoid the bottleneck?
I was told that adjustments were made. Friday's are usually a little lighter traffic-wise anyway. weatherweenie seemed to have problems however. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to check today at the peak. Let's keep watching and post if you experience any delays. Thanks!