Based on what? How exactly do calculate the value of a bitcoin today, let alone at years end?
I am a slow typer so I can't write down everything I have learned in the past few months of researching Bitcoin and Blockchain.
But here is what I know:
There is a limit to how many Bitcoin that can be mined. It's 21 million.
There are 16.9 million now.
There are 7+ Billion people in this world. (You can do all kinds of math with that)
Japan recognized BTC as a legal currency. They even Insure it in bank deposits now.
July 1 Australia is going to do the same thing.
That is just two countries out of how many? What are there, like 800 countries? I have no idea but it's a lot. And as each one starts using Bitcoin for transactions, and they will they price will rise. Why? Because there are only ever going to be 21 million.
The more people that buy Bitcoin, the more the price goes up.
Bill Gates believes it will be a million before it levels out and is in use by the majority of the world for financial transactions. I do too.
Here: Do a little reading up on what it is and what it is capable of.
Why use bitcoin? - CoinDesk
Right now you and I are discussing it. All over the world the same thing is going on. But so far only about 10% of the entire world population has even even heard of Bitcoin. Only 2% are using it so far. Imagine what will happen as those numbers grow! It is going to be unlike anything the world has ever seen. Bigger than any one invention.
It gives the people back power over their own finances.
These are exciting times.
Of course to understand what makes all this work you need to understand Blockchain.
But you don't have to understand it to use it. And one day you will use it. Just like we use Paypal now. And Credit Cards. We will all use Bitcoin. By the time the majority of people are using it the price will be more stable and likely in the hundreds of thousands. Of course to those people the price wont matter because it will be stable.
But those of us who learn about it early and buy some early and just hold it. Well, we are going to be sitting pretty!

Even a few hundred dollars invested now could and should be worth a heck of a lot in 10 or 15 years when it is mainstream and has reached its stable price.
Oh, and don't listen to the people saying the banks are going to "stop it". They cant. That's the genius of it. This is a "Bank killer!"
Bitcoin gives people back the power over their money. Once everyone figures that out. Everyone will want to use it for their transactions.
And it is starting now.
So how do I value it? How do I think $7,000 to $9,000 is possible by years end? Because I fully expect the "he told two friends, and they told two friends" system to work and drive the price that high by then. But it is just a guess. But a lot of people a whole lot smarter than me think the same thing.
Like Bill Gates.