
What is an easy way to buy and sell Bitcoins? I was looking into it a couple years ago but it fell off my radar. I downloaded a wallet but wasn't real sure what to do with it.

There's a few good choices but I went with Coin Base

One drawback is that when you buy, you lock in your price but it can take several days, 7 - 10, before it shows up in your account.
It will be difficult for bitcoin to be taken seriously as a currency when it moves 20% in a day. It moved up over 100% since the fall. Down over 20% last night. Back up 10% in the morning. Crazy stuff, but fun to watch.
It will be difficult for bitcoin to be taken seriously as a currency when it moves 20% in a day. It moved up over 100% since the fall. Down over 20% last night. Back up 10% in the morning. Crazy stuff, but fun to watch.
When BITCOIN makes the news there are always wild swings. But yeah, volatility and misinformation will always keep this type of currency (non-sovereign backed) in the weeds.
Dang! I bought a 2nd coin over the weekend when it went into the mid-800's. Wild bugger.

Then I decided to set up a weekly auto-buy of $20 worth just so I can accumulate and not try to time it. That's with
I am personally buying Bitcoin stocks. Most are penny stocks. But they are all running up because on March 11 the SEC will decide whether or not to give approval for a Bitcoin ETF to start trading. That's the reason Bitcoin is surging as well.

While researching these stocks I learned all about Blockchain. (The thing that makes Bitcoin work) Come to find out, Blockchain can be used for everything. Including elections. There is HUGE potential for Blockchain Technology.
The only stock I could find that looks worth buying is GAHC. Anyone interested in this technology may want to do some DD on GAHC. I bought a small amount to hold long term. I think it has huge potential.
Anyway. Im not pumping here. lol Just wanted to share my find.
I am personally buying Bitcoin stocks. Most are penny stocks. But they are all running up because on March 11 the SEC will decide whether or not to give approval for a Bitcoin ETF to start trading. That's the reason Bitcoin is surging as well.

While researching these stocks I learned all about Blockchain. (The thing that makes Bitcoin work) Come to find out, Blockchain can be used for everything. Including elections. There is HUGE potential for Blockchain Technology.
The only stock I could find that looks worth buying is GAHC. Anyone interested in this technology may want to do some DD on GAHC. I bought a small amount to hold long term. I think it has huge potential.
Anyway. Im not pumping here. lol Just wanted to share my find.

lol buy at .01 wait till it hit $10 you looking at a diamond mine, no one will calll you crazy then!
Bitcoin moved above $1660 this morning before pulling back into the $1500's again. It's now up over 60% this year alone. :eek:
Bitcoin moved above $1660 this morning before pulling back into the $1500's again. It's now up over 60% this year alone. :eek:

How can 1 Bitcoin be worth that much? I really don't get it at all. Even 1 share of TESLA is only worth $320!! :nuts:
I guess it is like saying how can the dollar be worth so much when they just keep printing? Unlike gold, Bitcoin has no physical properties , but like gold, silver, and other commodities, it is limited. There will only be a certain amount of bit coins once they are all mined. The value is based on the trust of those who use it to be a viable currency, as the dollar is now, which is basically paper.
etherium? seriously? like straight out of the ether? could it get any more ironic? so see we got this digifake cash and we gonna sell it, see, it comes straight out of the air? i can't believe these silly humans fall for this stuff over and over. don't they know that the metric all coins are judged is the dollar? what is a bitcoin or etherium worth? twenty chickens? do they describe it in bushels of wheat? gold? silver?

no, they judge etherium v the us dollar. which is the biggest giaganticist bubble of fake ones and zeros on the green screen ever. get some dirt. and get away from crowds. copper and lead are nice additions to the portfolio. you can't eat dollars. well, you can, but be aware every dollar that passes my hands i make sure to rub on my balls first before passing it on to the next debt slave. so maybe try boiling them first.
Digital currency is the future. I'm buying Bitcoin a little at a time and building up a nice little stash. The sky is the limit to how high it can go in the next 10 years. I fully expect it to be $10,000 by the end of 2018.
Do yourself a favor and read up on how it works, where it comes from and what the potential is.
Right now we are in the Wild Wild West of digital currency. Will Bitcoin be the winner? Probably. It could be Etherum or Litecoin. But Bill Gates thinks the first one, Bitcoin, will be the big winner.

You know, people thought the Wright Brothers were crazy too.

Digital currency is here to stay. Embrace it, get in early and make a lot of money. Or wait till you are forced to use it and don't profit from it at all.

Blockchain. Bitcoin. Etherum. These things are the future of the internet. Don't be ignorant. Be informed. Stay ahead of the curve always. Never stop learning.

I'm 52 years old. Iv'e watched my parents let the world pass them by. They shunned the internet, ATM's, VCR's, CD's, hell even drive through windows. They never accepted change and now they are paying for it. They are basically helpless in today's world. They don't know how anything works anymore because they refused to accept change. Even the TV remote is too confusing for them. And my oh my how the world has changed since they were young living in the 40's and 50's. I think 8 track tapes was the last "new technology" they learned to use. They do use a microwave, but they still call it a "Radar Range" lol

I vowed a long time ago to NEVER be like that.

Bring on the new. I am ready with open arms! I think I will go on eBay and buy another .03 worth of Bitcoin before it gets over $1600 again. :nuts:
here is the problem with that bitcoin scenario...

in 2030 when a bitcoin is worth $500k each, that will be the equivalent of ten bucks, in quarters. maybe buy one a loaf of bread and a dozen eggs.

see fed reserve since 1913.