Birchtree's Account Talk

Right now my oceanic account is showing me $807K buying power available and I'm chopping on the bit to do some buy trades. However, I'm allowing my new Merrill Edge account to settle out so I don't get jammed up in any way. Patience is virtuous as they say. My dividends are still coming into my old BAC online account but are not being reinvested until everything settles - that's a small price to pay momentarily to get access to that big $K. Probably next week my dividends will go back to doing some heavily lifting just in case we continue to drift sideways.
Oh gosh, I made a mistake. My actual buying power is $870K not that it makes much difference. It sure would be nice to see a late rally get some traction - trap those short hairs. I however don't think the S fund will dig out today.
Oh gosh, I made a mistake. My actual buying power is $870K not that it makes much difference. It sure would be nice to see a late rally get some traction - trap those short hairs. I however don't think the S fund will dig out today.

Birch On!

I must confess that I have a new virtual love - Nikita. I also think that my dumbo egg plant with all his vacations and extra sun is looking more like Wes Studi. Man he was good in "Last of the Mohicans". I'm all prepared for a big up day tomorrow rather than waiting for Monday. Well what would be wrong with a big up day on Monday also. When we get over the resistance at 1131 - all hell is going to cut loose. The downtrend line for the Dow remains at 10,750 - we could easily take it out tomorrow. Snort.
I must confess that I have a new virtual love - Nikita. I also think that my dumbo egg plant with all his vacations and extra sun is looking more like Wes Studi. Man he was good in "Last of the Mohicans". I'm all prepared for a big up day tomorrow rather than waiting for Monday. Well what would be wrong with a big up day on Monday also. When we get over the resistance at 1131 - all hell is going to cut loose. The downtrend line for the Dow remains at 10,750 - we could easily take it out tomorrow. Snort.

With you on this one Birch...

da'Boyz have too much casholla hidden in their mattresses. They have to bring it out and show returns or their equity account investors will think twice about investing at risk for 2%. Remember, earlier this year Goldman Sachs ran a quarter without a losing trade… The political climate forcing pro-growth tax code adjustments down the throat of the LibTards is a great reason to fully invest.

Tomorrow (or soon) will probably be my last day in bonds for a while!!!
Doug Kass is getting bearish again. Recent Tweets from Doug...

* adding to short book $$
* market weaker than averages indicate: breadth deteriorating, russell index getting schmeissed and price of oil staying down $$
* i have pressed my shorts all day $$

Got your checkbook ready I presume. ;)
Every now and then the 'dumb money' can be right. They are very bullish right now - only two weeks ago they were very bearish. The put/call ratio at 0.402 is very bullish but is it too bullish - when it is below 0,80 it means there are too many bullish on the market. I'm keeping my sticky pants on. As a self proclaimed contrarian I should be on the run - but I'm staying long because the market will reward me for doing what is hard to do. If we get a Monday classic move the gap up will provoke the short squeeze and I don't want to miss any opportunities to make a few dollars. This is so much fun.
We will hopefully get more of the so-called vicious short squeeze into the close. Ramping up my dual 200 Yamahas to creat a wake that will wash over the lily pad. The big $K is building for sure - now if it only will last into the week.
If the VIX will power below the 21 level I'll be a stock buyer tomorrow. The game will be how to play the four-year cycle due to nest into October. If the VIX goes to the 16 level it will be time for caution.