BigJohn's Account Talk

"Did you get the entry you wanted and do you feel the same way about the entry you got?"

(siting in front of monitor...confused, not sure how to respond....)

Sorry sometimes my "Yoda" comes out. Were you happy with the final price you got and are you still counting on a pop?
I am happy that I bought in on a day with an almost 2% decline, and I do think we will recoup the loss by the end of next week...Tsunami notwithstanding.

Having said that, I am always surprised with the share prices in the I fund. I saw a close with a loss of 2.14%, and yet the share price went down under 2%. I am not sure if a FV was involved (and have never been clear on exactly when Barclays decides to FV), but I did expect a lower share price to start today.
I think tomorrow will be choppy throughout the day and end +/- .25%

If the weekend is uneventful, I think we make up today's drop up by COB Wednesday. Early in the week I will be looking for a good start of the trading day (1+ %) before the trade deadline, then it will be off to the G fund.

Looks like a fairly dramatic shift in the tracker due tonight; best of luck to all.


I am halfway home, today was choppy like I thought it might be. Now it is just a matter of sitting tight and hoping for a good entry point next week.

Everyone have a great weekend.

I think tomorrow will be choppy throughout the day and end +/- .25%

If the weekend is uneventful, I think we make up today's drop up by COB Wednesday. Early in the week I will be looking for a good start of the trading day (1+ %) before the trade deadline, then it will be off to the G fund.

Looks like a fairly dramatic shift in the tracker due tonight; best of luck to all.


Needless to say, the days following my move into the I fund were very eventful; it is encouraging to see the funds are all clawing back some of the losses from last week.

I bought the I fund at $20.51 only to see it (and all funds) take a hit. The way I see it, I haven't taken a real loss yet...paper losses I can live with, moving out at a loss (and locking it in) makes no sense to me.

Best of luck to all.

paper losses I can live with, moving out at a loss (and locking it in) makes no sense to me.

Sage advice, it's sort of hard to predict an earthquake, but hey you would have been worse off if you had bailed at the bottom. EFA has been very dramatic, someone's making a killing off the recent bottom.
Sage advice, it's sort of hard to predict an earthquake, but hey you would have been worse off if you had bailed at the bottom. EFA has been very dramatic, someone's making a killing off the recent bottom.

i made a switch into 50/50 S/I on wednesday. been gaining position on the tracker. from the mid 200's to the top 30!:nuts::nuts:
Interesting discussions this morning on investment strategies: DCA'ing, technical analysis, jumping in and out...etc...

My strategery:

If I am in the market and the trend is up, I stay in until I get the sense that a pull back is imminent (an iffy strategy at best) or that I have made enough for the time being and want to lock in a gain (the "pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered" way of thinking).

If I am in the market and the trend is down, I stay matter how ugly it gets until the share price is above what I bought in at, then I consider locking in and taking a breather.

If I am out of the market and it is going up, I look at the historical prices and see if the latest move up is within the range of 30 day highs...if so, I get in.

If I am out and the market is going down...I stink. In 2008 I stayed out for about the first 20% of the big decline, jumped in after Warren Buffet said we were through the worst of it...took it in the shorts like most of us. However, I stayed in and had one of the top returns in 2009. I guess my only strategy here is to watch the share price action...if I see a week of fairly stable numbers, it might make me think a bottom has been formed.

None of this is ground breaking, but it is simple enough for me and has been profitable. Share prices and trends...and sticky pants at times.

Guess the I fund price:

Started the day at $20.3747, went green to the tune of 1.33%: that comes up with a .27 cent gain, to $20.65.

My guess: .20 cent gain to $20.57
I missed it by a penny...a good day nonetheless.

I am hoping for a big morning (job's report) for a step to the sidelines. As of today's opening price, I am 7 cents under what I bought in at, should make that up easily today.

Best of luck..


p.s. I have a conference call later today concerning the possible government shutdown...I will pass along anything interesting.
Thanks Big John, that was an unexpected rough entry you took, and yet you've managed it rather well.
Is the jobs number going to light things up today? I hope so, the I fund owes me a good 2% run...sticking to my usual strategy, if the market jumps will I.
Unless the I drops below .5 % in the next ten minutes, I am headed to the lily pad. Already made 15 cents per share from my buy in ($20.54), hoping for another 1% for the day. Either way I am close to my yearly goal of 10%.

Best of luck to those invested and on the sidelines.

Tempted to make that move myself but decided to hold on for maybe Japan being up Monday... we'll see... believe the EURO top is 1.42 to 1.45 but the technical charts look strong for the EFA short-term. Will hold on here and hope I don't regret it:suspicious:... DA FIREANT
Not sure if fate played a role today in my investing or not: got called away from the computer at 8:45 and just got back, didn't have time to make my planned move. Maybe we will have a follow through on Monday...fingers are crossed, powder is dry...
What a terrific entry point...only three days in the last thirty with lower share prices. Nicely done.

Thanks John. But I'll let you in on a little secret.. I don't really know what I'm doing!:laugh: I just read and observe what all you smart people do. ;) :D