Interesting discussions this morning on investment strategies: DCA'ing, technical analysis, jumping in and out...etc...
My strategery:
If I am in the market and the trend is up, I stay in until I get the sense that a pull back is imminent (an iffy strategy at best) or that I have made enough for the time being and want to lock in a gain (the "pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered" way of thinking).
If I am in the market and the trend is down, I stay matter how ugly it gets until the share price is above what I bought in at, then I consider locking in and taking a breather.
If I am out of the market and it is going up, I look at the historical prices and see if the latest move up is within the range of 30 day highs...if so, I get in.
If I am out and the market is going down...I stink. In 2008 I stayed out for about the first 20% of the big decline, jumped in after Warren Buffet said we were through the worst of it...took it in the shorts like most of us. However, I stayed in and had one of the top returns in 2009. I guess my only strategy here is to watch the share price action...if I see a week of fairly stable numbers, it might make me think a bottom has been formed.
None of this is ground breaking, but it is simple enough for me and has been profitable. Share prices and trends...and sticky pants at times.