/soapbox on
I don't believe it either (that humans are causing the GW).
There is a ton of data that demonstrates algore is a bloviating gas bag who has no clue how to even spell science let alone discuss it intelligently.
Was there warming, yes. Has there been any since 1998 or 2003 (depending on how one looks at the data), no. This year temps went in the tank.
It is much more likely that we are going into a cool period which is much more harmful to humans and the rest of the ecosystem than warming is. Precipitation will be reduced during this cooling period, growing seasons will be shorter and less land will be suitable for growing foodstuffs. Hopefully the "idiots-in-charge" will knock off using corn as a fuel source and keep it in the food supply.
The Theory, that is all it is, puts certain physical characteristics into play. One of those is an increase in temps at mid altitude in the tropics. It is the GW "signature." This is missing. When something refutes a theory that negates the theory --- in real science. But climatology isn't. They just make up more ad hoc hypotheses to cover the fact that their pet theory doesn't work.
Probably the biggest mistake they make is they fail to realize that most control systems (and one can look at climate as a chaotic non-linear system) have negative feedback loops to ensure that the system doesn't go out of control. For the climate that is the ocean. As temperatures rise, the ocean stores more heat, more water evaporates, water vapor forms clouds, clouds have high albedo reflecting more sunlight up out of the atmosphere, and temps cool down.
It CO2 really did what the theory states, the earth would still be a hotter, humider place as CO2 has been at times in the past 20 times the amount it is now in the atmosphere.
All of those "projections" and statements that algore and the GW hysterics put out are based on software models. The models are developed based on the assumptions the builders made. Guess what kind of answers one will get out of a software program written in that manner? Right, GIGO.
There is very little truth in AIT.
/soapbox off
mark - waiting for a spot to jump back into the market